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GIR 2010 : Workshop on Geographical Information Retrieval


Conference Series : Geographic Information Retrieval
When Feb 18, 2010 - Feb 18, 2010
Where Zurich, Switzerland
Submission Deadline Dec 7, 2009
Notification Due Jan 7, 2010
Final Version Due Jan 14, 2010
Categories    information retrieval

Call For Papers

Workshop on Geographical Information Retrieval GIR'10 - First Call for Papers

This is the first call for papers for the 6th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR'10), to be held at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, in cooperation with ACM SIGSPATIAL. The workshop continues the successful series of workshops held previously in conjunction with SIGIR 2004, CIKM2005, SIGIR 2006, CIKM 2007 and CIKM2008. The workshop will take place on the 18th and 19th February 2010.

The purpose of the workshop is to bring together the growing community of researchers and practitioners working in the field of geographic information retrieval to discuss further progress within the field and potential future research strands. Examples of topics that are particularly relevant include, but are not confined to:

. user needs and studies for geographic search;
. architectures for geographic search engines;
. spatial indexing of documents and images;
. extraction of geographical context from documents and geo-datasets;
. geographical annotation techniques for geo-referenced documents and images;
. design, construction, maintenance and access methods for geographical ontologies, gazetteers and geographical thesauri;
. geographical query interfaces for the web and geo-spatial libraries;
. geographic information question/ answering services;
. dealing with natural language in geographic information retrieval;
. visualising of the results of geographic searches;
. evaluation of the results of geographical search.

Please note that we welcome contributions from both academic researchers and from practitioners working in industry and public agencies engaged in GIR-related activities.

The Programme will be organised to ensure opportunity for discussion of the pressented papers. It will also include a panel session to discuss the major current research challenges in GIR. It is intended that this latter session, and the workshop as a whole, will facilitate the initiation of collaborative research proposals from the participants in the workshop.

We invite the submission of papers of up to 8 pages for presentation as long papers (30 minutes) and 2 page short abstracts reporting on work in progress for short presentations (20 minutes). All submissions will be reviewed by three members of the program committee, and all accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings and in the ACM Digital Library.

You should prepare your abstract in accordance with the ACM camera-ready instructions ( and submit it using the EasyChair system ( by December 7th 2009.

Further details of the workshop can be found at

Please forward this message to anyone whom you think may have an interest in the workshop.

With best wishes,

Ross Purves (, Chris Jones ( and Paul Clough (

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