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BQGT 2010 : Behavioral and Quantitative Game Theory Conference on Future Directions


When May 14, 2010 - May 16, 2010
Where Newport, Beach, CA, USA
Submission Deadline Feb 15, 2010
Notification Due Mar 31, 2010
Categories    e-commerce   game theory

Call For Papers

In the last decade or so we have witnessed a resurgence of novel game theory applications and analysis in three main areas:

(i) Algorithmic games as viewed by the computer science community.
(ii) Behavioral/Psychological/Epistemic games that include significant experimental work.
(iii) Supply chain games (inventory/logistic networks, production, and yield management games, among others).

The main purpose of this workshop is to create a "meeting place" conductive to cross-pollination of ideas from game theory in operations management and logistics, behavioral game theory, and algorithmic game theory. Since these streams are quite new – all three emerged in the last decade or so - there is a very strong impetus for learning and exchange from one arena to another.

The increasing volume of academic research, as indicated by recent number of papers published in the top journals of each of the disciplines, clearly indicates both the interest and the need for a common workshop where the `hot’ topics will be exposed not just to the members of a particular discipline but across disciplines. While one may stake a claim for more coherence among participants and topics, empirical findings show that this may result in clustering and exclusion. Findings also show that heterogeneity ought to lead to a larger involvement with respect to broader interest and participation. Thus, this workshop’s mixing of three separate academic communities linked together by their common game-theory base ought to create a fertile environment that moves forward the academic frontiers of their individual disciplines.


Submissions system open - January 1, 2010
Submission system closed - February 15, 2010

Conference hotel reservations open January 18, 2010
Conference hotel reservations closed April 16, 2010

Reviews begin - February 1, 2010
Reviews end - March 5, 2010

Authors notified - March 31, 2010

Registration opens - March 1, 2010
Early registration deadline - April 12, 2010

Conference dates - May 14 - 16, 2010


Conference Co-Chairs
Moshe Dror, University of Arizona, USA
Greys Sosic, University of Southern California, USA

Organizing/Scientific Committee

Mariagiovanna Baccara, New York University, USA
Pierpaolo Battigalli, Bocconi University, Italy
Adam Brandenburger, New York University, USA
Colin Camerer, CAL Tech, USA
Yevgeniy Dodis, New York University, USA
Martin Dufwenberg, University of Arizona, USA
Eric Friedman, Cornell University, USA
Daniel Granot, University of British Columbia, Canada
Brit Grosskopf, Texas A&M, USA
Jason Hartline, Northwestern University, USA
Matthew O. Jackson, Stanford University, USA
Cathleen Johnson, University of Arizona, USA
Ehud Lehrer, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Nimrod Megiddo, IBM, USA
Dov Monderer, Technion University, Israel
Herve Moulin, Rice University, USA
Rosemarie Nagel, Pompeu Febra University, Spain
Noam Nisan, Hebrew University, Israel
Thomas Palfrey, California Institute of Technology, USA
Georgia Perakis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Justo Puerto, Seville University, Spain
Marco Scarsini, LUISS Guido Carli University, Italy
Che-Lin Su, University of Chicago, USA
Garrett van Ryzin, Columbia University, USA
Vijay V. Vazirani, Georgia Tech, USA
Rakesh Vohra, Northwestern University, USA
Bernhard von Stengel, London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom
Mark Walker, University of Arizona, USA
John C. Wooders, University of Arizona, USA
Myrna Wooders, Vanderbilt University, USA

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