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SensorKDD 2010 : 4th International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Sensor Data


When Jul 25, 2010 - Jul 25, 2010
Where Washington, DC, USA
Submission Deadline May 4, 2010
Notification Due May 30, 2010
Categories    knowledge discovery   data mining   sensor network

Call For Papers


4th International Workshop on
Knowledge Discovery from Sensor Data

at the
16th ACM SIGKDD Conference on
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD)

July 25, 2010, Washington, DC, USA


We solicit high quality papers in the general areas of knowledge discovery from sensor data and data streams. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

* Predictive analysis from geographically distributed and heterogeneous data
* Computationally efficient approaches for mining unusual patterns,? specifically, anomalies, outliers, extremes, nonlinear processes, and change, from massive and disparate space-time data
* Real-time analysis of dynamic and distributed data, including streaming and event-based data
* Mining from continuous streams of time-changing data and mining from ubiquitous data
* Efficient algorithms to detect deviations from the normal in real-time
* Resource-aware algorithms for distributed mining
* Monitoring and surveillance based on a single or multiple sensor feeds
* Coordinated offline discovery and online analysis with feedback loops
* Combination of knowledge discovery and decision scientific processes
* Facilitation of faster and reliable tactical and strategic decisions
* Distributed data stream models
* Theoretical frameworks for distributed stream mining
* Success stories, especially about end-to-end solutions, for national or global priorities
* Real-world problem design and knowledge discovery requirements

The International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Sensor Data (SensorKDD-Workshop) has established itself as the premier workshop in the general areas of knowledge discovery from sensor data and data streams. The 4th SensorKDD-Workshop (SensorKDD-2010) provides a forum for presentation of original research and application results, as well as exchange and dissemination of computational challenges and experience in handling and mining massive volumes of disparate, dynamic, and geographically distributed data.

The main motivation for this workshop stems from the increasing need for a forum to exchange ideas and recent research results, and to facilitate collaboration and dialog between academia, government, and industrial stakeholders. This is clearly reflected in the successful organization of the previous three SensorKDD workshops.

Workshop Paper Submission:
All papers will be peer reviewed. If accepted, at least one of the authors must attend the workshop to present the work in order for the paper to be included in the IEEE Digital Library. Selected accepted papers will be recommended for submission to special issues of journals.

The submitted papers should be in English and must not exceed 9 pages using the standard ACM format found at in PDF format and submitted as an email attachment to

Important Dates:
Paper Submission: May 4, 2010
Notification of Acceptance: May 30, 2010
Camera Ready Paper Due: June 4, 2010

Workshop Organizers:
Dr. Olufemi A. Omitaomu (
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN, USA.
Dr. Auroop R. Ganguly (
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN, USA.

Prof. Joao Gama (
University of Porto, Portugal.

Dr. Ranga Raju Vatsavai (
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN, USA.

Prof. Mohamed Medhat Gaber (
University of Portsmouth, UK.

Prof. Nitesh V. Chawla (
University of Notre Dame, IN, USA.

Program Committee Members:
The complete list of program committee members can be found at

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