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RTAS (WIP) 2011 : The 17th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (Work-in-Progress Session)


When Apr 11, 2011 - Apr 14, 2011
Where Chicago, IL, USA
Submission Deadline Jan 21, 2011
Notification Due Feb 28, 2011
Final Version Due Mar 7, 2011
Categories    real-time systems   embedded systems

Call For Papers

The Work-in-Progress (WiP) session at RTAS 2011 will be dedicated to new and on-going research in real-time systems, theory, and applications. Topics covering all areas of real-time and embedded systems, including hardware/software co-design and wireless sensor networks will be of interest.

The primary purpose of the WiP session is to provide researchers with an opportunity to discuss their evolving ideas and gather feedback from the real-time systems community at large. Authors of all accepted papers will be required to give a short oral presentation, followed by presenting their work at a poster session. Proceedings containing all the accepted papers will be distributed at the conference.

TOPICS OF INTEREST (papers on related topics are also welcome)

* Audio/video streaming with RT constraints
* Power-aware RT-computing
* Real-time systems middleware
* Adaptive systems theory and practice
* Real-time sensor/actuator networks
* Real-time mobile computing
* RT devices and (co)processors
* Wireless communications
* Sensor network architectures and protocols
* Programming abstractions for sensor networks
* Architectural support
* Timing and execution-time Analysis
* Case-studies
* In-home entertainment networks
* Embedded operating systems
* Software engineering
* Real-time databases
* RT programming languages
* Security/privacy
* Wide-area sensing services
* Scheduling
* Hardware/software co-design
* Performance modeling
* Performance engineering
* Formal methods
* Models of real-time computing
* Reconfigurable computing

Submission deadline: 21 January, 2011
Acceptance notification: 28 February, 2011
Submission of final manuscript: 7 March, 2011
RTAS Conference: 11-14 April, 2011

Jian-Jia Chen, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany


*Lars Bauer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
*Marko Bertogna, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy
*Vandy Berten, University of Brussels, Belgium
*Jan Beutel, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
*Chuan-Yue Yang, Genesys Logic, Inc. Taiwan
*Unmesh Dutta Bordoloi, Linkopings University, Sweden
*Yuan-Hao Chang, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
*Sathish Gopalakrishnan, University of British Columbia, Canada
*Mohammed G. Khatib, Univ. of Twente, the Netherlands
*Kai Lampka, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
*Claire Maiza, Verimag, France
*Rodolfo Pellizzoni, University of Waterloo, Canada
*Linh Thi Xuan Phan, University of Pennsylvania, USA
*Jan Reineke, UC Berkeley. USA
*Anthony Rowe, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
*Jason Xue, City Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong


All papers must be submitted electronically, in Portable Document Format (PDF). The submitted paper must be original material that has neither been previously published nor is currently under review by another conference or journal. Submitted papers should be no longer than 4 (FOUR) pages in IEEE 10-point, two-column conference format.

Latex template may be found at:

Submission website:

Related Resources

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