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CIMSA 2009 : IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems and Applications


When May 11, 2009 - May 13, 2009
Where Hong Kong, China
Submission Deadline Feb 6, 2009
Notification Due Feb 28, 2009
Final Version Due Mar 30, 2009
Categories    measurement   intelligence   artificial intelligence

Call For Papers

Due to a large number of requests for extension of paper submission
deadline, I am pleased to announce that the deadline has
been extended to February 6 (Friday) 2009 for both VECIMS 2009 ( and
CIMSA 2009 ( Please kindly inform your
colleagues about change.

The wide and increasing needs of adaptable and flexible solutions for many industrial,
environmental, and engineering applications point out the importance of using design
methodologies and implementation technologies with high ability of adaptation and
evolution. Soft computing is one of the most relevant answers to such needs: neural
networks, fuzzy logic, and genetic/evolutionary algorithms are fundamental keys to tackle
these difficult problems. On the other hand, accuracy and uncertainty issues as well as suited
data acquisition systems must be carefully considered in these applications since the quality
of the solution greatly relies on them. Up to now, analysis and experiments have been
performed by scientists and practitioners mainly to understand the underlying technologies
and methodologies, but without any specific focus on the mandatory need of a quantitative
assessment and a metrological analysis. Measurement science and technologies are in fact
vital to ensure the correct and effective use of soft computing technologies in real
environments. CIMSA 2009 will continue the exciting experience of the previous editions
by filling this gap in knowledge and practice, by focusing on the quantitative aspect of
measurement issues for industrial, environmental, and engineering applications.
Papers are solicited on all aspects of computational intelligence technologies for
measurement systems and the related applications, from the points of view of both theory
and practice. This includes but is not limited to: intelligent measurement systems; accuracy
and precision of neural and fuzzy components; intelligent sensor fusion; intelligent
monitoring and control systems; neural and fuzzy technologies for identification, prediction,
and control of complex dynamic systems; evolutionary monitoring and control; neural and
fuzzy signal/image processing for industrial and environmental applications; image
understanding and recognition; soft-computing technologies for robotics and vision; soft
computing technologies for medical and bioengineering applications; hybrid systems; fuzzy
and neural components for embedded systems; hardware implementation of neural and fuzzy
systems for measurements; neural, fuzzy and genetic/evolutionary algorithms for system
optimization and calibration; neural and fuzzy diagnosis of components and systems;
reliability of fuzzy and neural components; fault tolerance and testing in fuzzy and neural
components; neural and fuzzy techniques for quality measurement.
Details for the submission and all information concerning the symposium can be found at the
symposium web site at Acceptance/rejection will be emailed by
28 February 2009. The final manuscript is due by 30 March 2009. Submission implies
willingness to register at the conference, pay the registration fee and present the paper.
Papers will be included in the proceedings only if at least one author will register and pay the
registration fee by 30 March 2009 (member and non-member fees only are acceptable to this
purpose) - no exceptions. If an author covers more than one paper with her/his registration to
guarantee inclusion in the proceedings, she/he must pay a 50 US$ surcharge for each paper
in excess of one.

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