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useR! 2011 : The R User Conference 2011


When Aug 16, 2011 - Aug 18, 2011
Where University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
Submission Deadline Apr 1, 2011
Notification Due May 13, 2011
Categories    statistics   computing   programming languages   applications

Call For Papers

One-page abstracts are invited for oral or poster presentations on innovative and exciting applications of R, on topics including but not limited to:
* Bayesian statistics
* Bioinformatics
* Chemometrics and computational physics
* Data mining
* Econometrics & finance
* Environmetrics & Ecological Modeling
* High Performance Computing
* Imaging
* Interfaces with other languages/software
* Machine Learning
* Multivariate statistics
* Nonparametric Statistics
* Pharmaceutical Statistics
* Psychometrics
* Spatial Statistics
* Statistics in the Social and Political Sciences
* Teaching
* Visualization & Graphics

The poster session will be a major social event on the evening of the first day of the conference and submissions for this session are actively encouraged. Submissions for contributed talks will be considered for the following types of session:
* useR! Kaleidoscope *
These sessions give a broad overview of the many different applications of R and should appeal to a wide audience.
* useR! Focus Sessions *
These sessions focus on topics of special interest and may be more technical.

The assignment of talks to sessions will be made by the program committee. In both cases presentations will be allowed 17 minutes, followed by 3 minutes discussion.

In addition to the regular contributed talks, all participants are invited to present a Lightning Talk, for which no abstract is required. These talks provide a 5-minute platform to speak on any R-related topic and should particularly appeal to R newbies. Participants wishing to give such a talk must provide an informative title on their registration form.

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