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Fuel Cells 2014 : Fuel Cells 2014 Science & Technology


When Apr 3, 2014 - Apr 4, 2014
Where Amsterdam
Submission Deadline Feb 7, 2014
Categories    energy   fuel   engineering

Call For Papers

Thousands of fuel cells are being produced annually and sold commercially in a wide range of applications, but continued research, both fundamental and applied, will be essential to help reduce production costs and increase durability. This conference will bring together leading researchers and technologists, working in critical areas such as new materials, degradation processes and systems engineering, to discuss the state-of-the-art, highlight new developments and propose research priorities. Attendance will benefit all those interested in the key research and development issues facing fuel cell science and technology, including end-users.

•Fuel cell electrochemistry
•Materials for fuel cells
•Cell and stack technology
•Fuels and fuel infrastructure
•Fuel cell systems and applications
•Fuel processing
•Modelling and control
•Fuel cell components

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