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WMNC 2011 : 4th Joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference


When Oct 26, 2011 - Oct 28, 2011
Where Hammamet, Tunisia
Submission Deadline Apr 30, 2011
Notification Due Jul 13, 2011
Final Version Due Sep 4, 2011
Categories    wireless   mobile   networking

Call For Papers

The 4th Joint IFIP Wireless Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC'2011), combining the 16thPWC (Personal Wireless Communications conference), the 13th MWCN (Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks conference), and the 5th WSAN (Wireless Sensors and Actor Networks conference) into one event, will be held from 26th to 28th October 2011 in Hammamet, Tunisia.

WMNC’2011 is sponsored by IFIP TC6. It provides forum for discussion between researchers, practitioners and students interested in new developments in mobile and wireless networks, services, applications and mobile computing. WMNC’2011 include three tacks focusing on (but not limited to) the following topics:

Track 1: Wireless and Mobile Communications and Networks

Wireless technologies design and evaluation ‐ Handoff management ‐ Location management ‐ Connection management ‐ Bandwidth management and capacity enhancement ‐ Resource and information management ‐ Network and service management and control ‐ Energy management and efficiency of protocols and devices ‐ QoS support in mobile and wireless networks ‐ Admission control ‐ Packet and resource scheduling ‐ Routing and scheduling in mobile and wireless networks ‐ Transport layer issues in mobile and wireless networks ‐ Evolution of networks (evolution of 3G/4G Systems, future generation systems and networks) ‐ Network security solutions and protocols ‐ Subscriber privacy ‐ Authentication, Authorization, Accounting ‐ Traffic and network modeling in wireless/mobile networks ‐ Analysis and simulation of wireless and mobile networks ‐ Evaluation of testbeds.

Track 2: Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks, Ad hoc Networks

Ad‐Hoc networking ‐ Analysis, simulation and measurement ‐ Coordination in actor networks ‐ Communication protocols and algorithms ‐ Cross‐layer design and optimization ‐ Energy‐efficient protocols and power management ‐ Localization and tracking ‐ Middleware for WSN – Self‐organization and reconfiguration ‐ Security for WSN ‐ Physical architectures ‐ Real‐time communications in WSN ‐ Vehicular networks ‐ Robots as actor nodes.

Track 3: Applications and Services over Wireless and Mobile Networks

Wireless multimedia networking ‐ Multicasting and broadcasting issues ‐ Multimedia session signaling in wireless/mobile environments ‐ Digital radio and TV broadcasting ‐ Mobile computing ‐ Protocols and platforms for convergence ‐ Technology integration ‐ Quality of service mapping between technologies ‐ QoS for voice and video in wireless/mobile networks ‐ IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) ‐ Mobile and wireless applications: health, environmental protection ‐ Wireless Internet applications – ITS (Intelligent transportation systems) ‐ Infotainment, pervasive systems, RFID ‐ Location‐based services ‐ Mobile services ‐ Content management and distribution ‐ Context‐aware wireless multimedia applications ‐ Context‐aware services.

Solicited Papers

WMNC’2011 technical program committee invites authors to submit: i) research papers reporting on new trends and developments, ii) Industry and application papers reporting on actual developments of technologies, products, systems and solutions, iii) performance evaluation and experimentation papers, iv) tutorial and survey papers.

Paper submission

Two types of submissions are solicited: regular papers (limited to 8 double column pages) and Work‐in‐Progress and Industry practice (limited to 4 double column pages). Font must be no smaller than 10‐points. Manuscripts must be submitted electronically in PDF format, according to the instructions included in the conference web site. The working language of the conference is English.

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