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AALIoT 2016 : Ambient Assisted Living Technologies based on Internet of Things


When Jun 14, 2016 - Jun 16, 2016
Where Budapest
Submission Deadline Mar 1, 2016
Notification Due Mar 18, 2016
Final Version Due Apr 29, 2016
Categories    pervasive healthcare   aal environments   context aware technologies   technologies to support aal

Call For Papers

Call for Paper AALIoT Conference.

As computing power is dropping in price and new sensors are being developed the world of Internet of Things is ever growing in an unprecedented pace. Sensors are getting smaller in size and are being incorporated in all sorts of everyday objects measuring several parameters, producing heaps of data while at the same time create opportunities for data-centric businesses to spawn.
The Ambient Assisted Living domain offers the perfect setup for IoT-based technologies since it touches on the very important social issue of the ageing population while offering the ability to really test telecare services for home-based setups

Accepted papers will be published in Springer's LNICST series and will appear in the SpringerLink, one of the largest digital libraries online that covers a variety of scientific disciplines.
The proceedings are submitted for inclusion to the leading indexing services: DBLP, Google Scholar, Thomson Scientific ISI Proceedings, EI Elsevier Engineering Index, CrossRef, Scopus and EU Digital Library (EUDL).
A special issue of ACM/Springer MONET will be allocated for selected papers of M3Apps Conference. In addition, recommended authors will be considered for inclusion in the EAI Endorsed Transaction on Pervasive Health and Technology.
The event is endorsed by the European Alliance for Innovation, a leading community-based organization devoted to the advancement of innovation in the field of ICT.

Scope and Interests (not exhaustive, not limiting)
Mobile and Cloud Computing in pervasive healthcare
IoT Analytics
Interface and Control Systems
AAL Environments for chronic disease management
Usability and Acceptability
Context Aware Technologies
Wearable technologies for health and wellness monitoring
Security, privacy and trust
Navigation systems (indoors, outdoors) and location based services
Networking for/and embedded systems
Technologies to support AAL
Interactive Services

Initial Submission:
Contributions, not exceeding the limit of 12 pages (short papers 4 pages), must be submitted via confy paper management system.

Important dates
Full Paper submission: 14 March 2016
Short papers deadline: 14 March 2016
WIP papers 31 March 2016
Acceptance Notification: 11 April 2016
Camera‐ready deadline: 16 May 2016
Start of the conference 14 June 2016
End of the conference 16 June 2016

Related Resources

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