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eHealth360° 2016 : International Summit on 360° eHealth - Empowering Healthcare with Technology


When Jun 14, 2016 - Jun 16, 2016
Where Budapest, Hungary
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    ehealth   mhealth   IOT   games

Call For Papers

eHealth 360° Summit is a unique event bringing a 360 degree perspective on mobile and electronic health. The Summit will gather experiences and innovative ideas from related projects and activities in this topic with the aim to coach involved people on the whole path between research to innovation and all the way through to commercialization of ideas, projects and technologies.
The Summit is a powerful and inspirational event that brings together industry representatives, researchers, vendors, mHealth and eHealth domain experts, clinicians, developers and others to plan, learn, network, collaborate, strategize and more effectively tap into the immense potential of the eHealth and mHealth domains.
eHealth 360° will be opened with 6 scientific conferences covering different areas such as eHealth and big data, wearables in healthcare, eHealth and interoperability and others. eHealth 360° also offers an extensive program that includes “eHalth360 Summer School”.
More than 100 attendees, exhibitors and experts from all around the world, such as Pēteris Zilgalvis, Head of Unit for eHealth and Well Being, DG CONNECT, European Commission, Jonathan Steel, Founder and CEO of Deliver Change Ltd, Pal Miletics, President of the Hungarian Association for Telemedicine have already accepted the invitation. eHealth 360° is organized in cooperation of partners as CREATE-NET, Innoskart, ISfTeH and others.

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