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Ubi-HealthTech 2015 : 2ndInt. Symposium on Future Information and Communication Technologies for Ubiquitous HealthCare


When May 28, 2015 - May 30, 2015
Where Beijing, China
Submission Deadline Mar 1, 2015
Notification Due Apr 15, 2015
Final Version Due May 15, 2015
Categories    symposium on future informatio   communication technologies   ubiquitous healthcare   mhealth applications

Call For Papers

2ndInt. Symposium on Future Information and
Communication Technologies for Ubiquitous HealthCare
(Ubi-HealthTech 2015)
Beijing, China, 28-30 May, 2015
Call for papers:
In many countries around the world, public healthcare is under severe economic and demographic stresses due to rapidly rising per capita costs and aging populations. Therefore, many governments and healthcare organizations are striving to improve the health of individuals and communities by strengthening their healthcare systems, enhancing methods of disease detection and prevention, and providing better healthcare services. It is expected that advances in information and communication technologies will play a pivotal role in the development of new principles, theory, methodologies and systems to enable ubiquitous healthcare worldwide. In the future, these ubiquitous healthcare services will be offered by the development of diverse sensing techniques and advance electronics technologies to significantly lower the economic cost. These ubiquitous healthcare systems will be suitable for many promising applications of Ubiquitous Health and Environment such as smart homes and hospitals, which will contribute to worldwide healthcare development.
This symposium aims to bring together experts in engineering, communications, physical sciences, and health sciences as well as computer and computation specialists with the common goal of applying information and communication technologies for Ubiquitous-healthcare and Ubiquitous-environment systems and applications, which are at the top of the agenda in most countries. Potential topics include, but are not limited to::
 Smarter homes, better healthcare
 Emerging ICT systems in U-health
 U-Health for aging
 Wearable and Implantable Wireless Sensors for U-health
 Medical electronics for better healthcare
 Advanced Si technologies for emerging applications in U-health
 Smarter planet
 Smart medical Centers & U-Hospitals
 Pervasive and ubiquitous Wireless Health Systems and Services
 Biomedical and biosensors engineering
 Body Sensor Networks
 Technology for Smart connected Health
 Security and Privacy for E-Health
 Nano Sensing for E-Health
 Smart and Connected Health
 mHealth applications

The Symposium is to seek the presentations of theoretical and experimental achievements, innovative U-Health systems, prototyping efforts, case studies and advances in technology related to U-healthcare & Smart Homes. Submitted papers should follow IEEE conference paper format and must not be published or under review for another workshop, conference, or journal. For further information, please visit the conference’s web site:

Important Dates:
Paper registration and submission: 1 March, 2015
Author notification: 15 April, 2015
Camera ready papers due: 15 May, 2015
Conference date: 28-30 May, 2015

General Chairs:
Sen Su, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
Jamal Deen, Mc Master University, Canada

Program Chairs
Shihong Zou, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
Honggang Wang, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, USA

Related Resources

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