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DIFTS 2011 : First International Workshop on Design and Implementation of Formal Tools and Systems


When Nov 3, 2011 - Nov 3, 2011
Where Austin, TX
Abstract Registration Due May 30, 2011
Submission Deadline Jun 6, 2011
Notification Due Jul 6, 2011
Final Version Due Sep 5, 2011
Categories    formal methods   verification   synthesis   decision procedures

Call For Papers


First International Workshop on Design and Implementation of Formal Tools
and Systems (co-located with FMCAD 2011)

University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA
November 3, 2011


Abstract submission: May 30
Paper submission: June 6
Author notification: July 6
Final version: Sept 5
Workshop: Nov 3


The first DIFTS (Design and Implementation of Formal Tools and
Systems) workshop emphasizes insightful experiences in formal
tools and systems design. It provides a forum for sharing
challenges and solutions that are original with ground
breaking results.

Often the design and implementation of tools for formal analysis
require non-trivial engineering decisions. Many challenges are
faced, which often can only be met with ingenious implementation
techniques. These techniques actually play a crucial role in
making the idea work in practice. The workshop provides an
opportunity for discussing engineering aspects and various
design decisions required to put such formal tools and systems
into practical use.


DIFTS takes a broad view of the formal tools/systems area, and
solicits contributions from domains including, but not restricted
to, decision procedures, verification, testing, validation,
diagnosis, debugging, and synthesis.

This workshop encourages and appreciates system development
activities, and facilitates transparency in the experimentation.
It will also serve as a platform to discuss open problems and
future challenges in practicing formal methods.


The workshop specifically solicits contributions with
substantial engineering details that often do not get published
but has significant practical impact.

Papers in the following two categories are solicited:
(a) system category (10 pages, double column, 11pt), and
(b) tool category (8 pages, double column, 11pt).

In the system category, we invite papers that have original ideas
accompanied with novel integration techniques, adequate
design/implementation details, important design choices made
and explored, and good experimental results.

In the tool category, we invite papers that focus primarily
on the engineering aspects of some known/popular algorithm,
with significant emphasis on the design/implementation details,
and various design choices made to advance
current state-of-the-art approaches.

The page limit for submissions in the system category is 10 pages
in double column format and for submissions in the tool category
is 8 pages in double column format.

Submission of papers should be made electronically in PDF format
via EasyChair. More details will be provided on the DIFTS web site.


To keep maintain uniformity and fairness in the reviewing process,
the program committee will evaluate the technical contribution of
each submission based on the following guidelines: the paper
should provide enough details for others to reproduce the
results; and should solve a clearly-stated problem that is
significant and has wide interest; and the paper should provide
enough motivation for the design choices made. Overall, the
paper should also clearly identify what the main contributions
of the work are.


All accepted contributions will be published in archived electronic
notes. High quality submissions will be considered for a special issue
of Journal such as FMSD (Formal Methods in System Design) or
STTT (Software Tools for Technology Transfer).



Malay K. Ganai, NEC Labs America, USA
Armin Biere, Johannes Kepler University, Austria


Clark W. Barrett, New York University, USA
Armin Biere, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
Alessandro Cimatti, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
Cindy Eisner, IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel
Malay K. Ganai, NEC Labs America, USA
Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, University of Utah, USA
Daniel Kroening, Oxford University, UK
Robert P. Kurshan, Cadence Design Systems, USA
Ken McMillan, Microsoft Research, USA
Chao Wang, NEC Labs America, USA


We are privileged to have Andreas Kuehlmann, VP of Coverity,
President of IEEE Council on EDA (CEDA), and an IEEE fellow
as an invited speaker.

Related Resources

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