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7th GNSS Vulnerabilities and Solutions 2013 : 7th GNSS Vulnerabilities and Solutions Conference, Baska, Krk Island, Croatia


When Apr 18, 2013 - Apr 20, 2013
Where Baska, Krk Island, Croatia
Abstract Registration Due Dec 15, 2012
Submission Deadline Apr 18, 2013
Notification Due Feb 1, 2013
Final Version Due Apr 18, 2013
Categories    satellite navigation   space weather and ionosphere   signal processing   electrical engineering

Call For Papers

The Royal Institute of Navigation, London, UK and the Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka, Croatia have a pleasure in welcoming you to the 7th GNSS Vulnerabilities and Solutions Conference to be held 18 - 20 April, 2013 in Baška, Krk Island, Croatia.
This traditional and unique world-wide event aims to gather GNSS experts and focuses on GNSS problems and vulnerabilities, as well as to developments aiming to improve the accuracy and reliability of GNSS. The unique environment of Baška and its natural resources and rich history and culture, combined with friendly hospitality will again create an inspiring atmosphere for ideas and knowledge exchange, well known to those who attended the previous conferences.
The following topics are to be addressed during 7th GNSS Vulnerabilities and Solutions Conference:
- core satellite navigation systems' developments and modernisation,
- satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS),
- space weather and ionospheric effects on GNSS performance and operation,
- safety- and mission-critical GNSS applications for air, marine, land and personal navigation, and Search and Rescue (SaR) Operations,
- statistical and digital signal processing for electronic navigation and weak signal detection,
- GNSS receiver design,
- GNSS education and professional advancement,
- advanced applications in transport, agriculture, forestry, tourism, environment protection and science,
- Location-Based Services (LBS),
- Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and eCall, and
- regulatory and legal aspects of GNSS utilisation.

Interested parties are kindly invited to submit the extended abstracts (300 - 500 words) of the proposed papers to Ms Sally-Anne Cooke, the RIN conference and events manager (e-mail: no later than 15 December, 2012. Submitted papers will be considered by the International reviewing committee, with the acceptance report to be distributed before 1 February, 2013. Following the peer-review process, the accepted paper will be published in a conference proceedings, to be cited to in respectable international scientific databases.

Discounted all-inclusive hotel accommodation packages in 3-, 4- and 5-star hotels will be provided by Hoteli Baška ( More details can be obtained from Ms Sally-Anne Cooke on request.

Finally, you are invited to contact either RIN (e-mail:, or Dr Renato Filjar, FRIN (e-mail: for any further information or assistance you may need in regard to your participation to the 7th GNSS Vulnerabilities and Solutions Conference in Baška. The latest developments in regard to the fothcoming conference can be followed at:, and at the RIN web-site:

We are looking forward for a privilege to welcome you to Baška.

International Organising Committee

Peter Chapman-Andrews, LVO MBE RN FRIN, The Royal Institute of Navigation, London, UK, Chair
Renato Filjar, FRIN, The Royal Institute of Navigation, Croatia, Co-chair
Serdjo Kos, FRIN, Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka, Croatia, Co-chair
Colin M D Beatty, FRIN, The Royal Institute of Navigation, London, UK
Marcio Aquino, University of Nottingham, UK
David Broughton, MBE FRIN, The Royal Institute of Navigation, London, UK
Ljiljana R Cander, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, UK
Sally-Anne Cooke, The Royal Institute of Navigation, London, UK
Jordi Corbera, The Spanish Institute of Navigation, Barcelona, Spain
Sharafat Gadimova, UN Office of Outer Space Affairs, Vienna, Austria
Hrvoje Gold, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Miro Govedarica, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Darko Huljenić, Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Zagreb, Croatia
Tomislav Kos, FRIN, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia
David Last, FRIN, Consultant Engineer and Expert Witness, Conwy, UK
Axel Luttenberger, Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Terry Moore, FRIN, University of Nottingham, UK
Washington Ochieng, FRIN, Imperial College London, UK
Mark Shmulevich, Russian Space Systems, Moscow, Russia
Hank Skalsky, Dept for Transportation, Peterson AFB, USA
Grigory Stupak, Russian Space Systems, Moscow, Russia
Marija Šimić-Hlača, Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Bruno Zolesi, Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Rome, Italy

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