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HSE 2011 : The 1st International Workshop on Healthcare Systems Engineering (In conjunction with CyberC 2011)


When Oct 10, 2011 - Oct 12, 2011
Where Beijing, China
Submission Deadline May 15, 2011
Notification Due Jul 15, 2011
Final Version Due Aug 10, 2011
Categories    health systems engineering   medical physics and biomedical   healthcare

Call For Papers

Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP.

We invite you to submit a paper for peer review to the 1st International Workshop on Healthcare Systems Engineering

Co-Located with CyberC
October 10 -12, Beijing, China

Co-Sponsored by:
IEEE Computer Society (Technically Co-Sponsored), IEEE Technical Committee on Simulation, IEEE CS Task Force on Networked Mobile Systems, RTDSS Lab, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY. USA, MINDS Lab, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY. USA.

Patrons: AT&T, InfoBeyond


The threat of a widespread pandemic event such as H1N1 has public health officials and emergency responders across the globe focusing on the development of better decision-making tools for managing their response. Effective systems development for this domain involves several research areas including public health, computer science, operations management and logistics. The Healthcare Workshop promotes interdisciplinary research that can drastically improve pandemic response, increase patient safety, and lower healthcare costs. The Healthcare Systems Engineering workshop encourages research from a variety of disciplines including, but not limited to healthcare management, logistics, operations research, and computer science that describe novel and unique engineering principles, concepts, and methodologies for managing healthcare data and supply chains during a medical surge event.

Authors are invited to submit original technical papers covering but not limited to the topics of interest listed below:

* Healthcare Operations Management
* Humanitarian Logistics
* Medical Decision Making
* Healthcare Socio-Technical Systems Analysis
* Healthcare Quality Engineering
* Healthcare Logistics
* Healthcare Informatics
* Healthcare Information Systems
* Healthcare Data Collection/Dissemination
* Healthcare Public Policy

All submitted manuscripts should be prepared as technical papers and may not exceed 8 letter size (8.5 x 11) pages including figures, tables and references using the IEEE format for conference proceedings (print area of 6-1/2 inches (16.51 cm) wide by 8-7/8 inches (22.51 cm) high, two-column format with columns 3-1/16 inches (7.85 cm) wide with a 3/8 inch (0.81 cm) space between them, single-spaced 10-point Times fully justified text). For more information please see Outgoing/proceedings/. Submissions not conforming to these guidelines may be returned without review. The submitted manuscripts can be prepared in Word, or Latex using the IEEE templates, but authors should finally submit the manuscript in PDF format and make sure that the file will print on a printer that uses letter size (8.5 x 11) paper. The official language of the meeting is English.

Paper Submission Process
Manuscript submission procedure is available over the Web at We encourage you to use edas online submission by selecting “Healthcare 2011”. If you have troubles in using the Web submission, you can also submit your paper to or contact us. Electronic submissions must be in the form of a readable PDF file.

Paper Acceptance

Manuscripts should present the current research in the areas identified in the call for papers. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by experts in the fields and will be judged from the aspects of problem significance, contributions, originality, correctness, technical strength, quality of presentation, and relevance to the conference attendees. Papers will be accepted with Regular Papers and Short Papers with maximal 8 pages and 4 pages in the final version respectively.

Other Information

For other issues, please follow the CyberC instructions (see or email to Dr. Robert Kelley at or Dr. Aman Gupta at

Paper submission due: MAY 15th, 2011
Author notification: JULY 1st, 2011
Camera-ready due: AUGUST 10, 2011

Sunderesh Heragu, University of Louisville

Aman Gupta, University of Louisville
Robert Kelley, University of Louisville

Ashlea Bennett, University of Arkansas
John Fowler, Arizona State University
Ali Ekici, University of Houston
Hari Balasubramanian, University of Massachusetts
Mark Lawley, Purdue University
Kai Yang, Wayne State University
Li Zeng, University of Texas at Arlington
Mike Hewitt, Rochester Institute of Technology
Ford Guangfu Zeng, University of Texas at Arlington
Yoo, Jung-Woon, Bradley University

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