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UbiCrowd 2012 : Ubiquitous Crowdsourcing Workshop at UbiComp '12


When Sep 5, 2012 - Sep 8, 2012
Where Pittsburgs
Submission Deadline Jun 24, 2012
Notification Due Jun 29, 2012
Final Version Due Jul 7, 2012
Categories    crowdsourcing   workshop

Call For Papers

Call for Papers
Third International Workshop on UBIQUITOUS CROWDSOURCING
To be held in conjunction with 14th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing
Pittsburgh, USA – September 5-8, 2012


Crowdsourcing systems aim to solve complex tasks by engaging a multitude of humans through mobile and social media and by harnessing their ability to perform specific
subtasks and to report the results. Given the rapid increase in the number, size and diversity of ubiquitous crowdsourcing applications across a wide spectrum of domains all around the world, there is a need for a principled way of conceptualizing such systems. Crowdsourcing systems need to address a common set of issues to ensure their effectiveness, such as quality control and incentive design. Ubiquitous crowdsourcing applications introduce additional actors to be considered in the quality management aspects. Mobile device characteristics, sensor reliability and battery availability are only some elements that may further affect the quality of submitted task.
In this workshop we address a set of themes emerging from development and deployment of ubiquitous crowdsourcing system, including: quality control, evaluation frameworks and crowd computation models.


The specific topics of interest include, and are not limited to:

* Quality Control And Verification Schemes:
- Tackling quality from device perspective (sensor reliability, batter availability, etc.)
- User interface design challenges (e.g. prevention of incorrect data entry, accidental task contributions, etc.)

* Evaluation Frameworks:
- Evaluation frameworks for ubiquitous crowdsourcing
- Insights into task complexity, devices, location, incentives and user behavior in ubiquitous crowd sourcing

* Crowd Computation Models:
- Crowd network monitoring, crowd overload management
- Expert (community) identification

* Novel applications and deployment experiences
- Crowdsourcing task routing
- Task decomposition and adaptive crowd sourcing workflows


Participants will be selected based on short 4-page papers and 2-page demonstrations around the aforementioned topics of interest.
All papers should follow the Ubicomp ACM Word or Latex template. 

E-mail your submissions to or

June 24, 2012: Submission deadline
June 29, 2012: Notification of acceptance
July 7, 2012: Camera Ready Accepted Papers Due
Sep 8, 2012: Ubicomp 2012 Workshop Program

Workshop co-chairs

* Maja Vukovic, IBM Research, TJ Watson, Hawthorne, USA ( 

* Soundar Kumara, Pennsylvania State University, USA ( 

TPC (In progress)
Lukas Kencl, R&D Centre (RDC) for Mobile Applications, Czech Republic
Vassilis Kostakos, University of Oulu, Finland
Afra Mashhadi, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, UK
Fan Ye, IBM T.J. Watson Research, USA

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