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FTSCS 2012 : First International Workshop on Formal Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems


When Nov 12, 2012 - Nov 12, 2012
Where Kyoto
Submission Deadline Sep 8, 2012
Notification Due Oct 1, 2012
Categories    formal methods   software engineering

Call For Papers

*** Science of Computer Programming special issue ***
*** EPTCS proceedings ***

Aims and Scope:

There is an increasing demand in industry to use formal methods to achieve software-independent verification and validation of safety-critical systems, e.g., in fields such as avionics, automotive, medical, and other cyber-physical systems. Newer standards, such as DO-178C (avionics) and ISO 26262 (automotive), emphasize the need for formal methods and model-based development, speeding up the adaptation of such methods in industry.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers and engineers who are interested in the application of formal and semi-formal methods to improve the quality of safety-critical computer systems. FTSCS strives strives to promote research and development of formal methods and tools for industrial applications, and is particularly interested in industrial applications of formal methods.

Specific topics include, but are not limited to:
- case studies and experience reports on the use of formal methods for analyzing safety-critical systems, including avionics, automotive, medical, and other kinds of safety-critical and QoS-critical systems;
- methods, techniques and tools to support automated analysis, certification, debugging, etc., of complex safety/QoS-critical systems;
- analysis methods that address the limitations of formal methods in industry (usability, scalability, etc.);
- formal analysis support for modeling languages used in industry, such as AADL, Ptolemy, SysML, SCADE, Modelica, etc.;
- code generation from validated models.

The workshop will provide a platform for discussions and the exchange of innovative ideas, so submissions on work in progress are encouraged.


We solicit submissions reporting on:
A - original research contributions (16 pages max, EPTCS format);
B - applications and experiences (16 pages max, EPTCS format);
C - surveys, comparisons, and state-of-the-art reports (16 pages max, EPTCS format);
D - tool papers (4 pages max, EPTCS format);
E - position papers and work in progress (4 pages max, EPTCS format)
related to the topics mentioned above.

All submissions must be original, unpublished, and not submitted concurrently for publication elsewhere. The final version of the paper must be prepared in LaTeX, adhering to the EPTCS format. Note, in particular, that EPTCS requires that you include the doi of each reference in the bibliography.
Paper submission will be done electronically via Easychair:


All accepted papers will appear in the pre-proceedings of FTSCS 2012. Accepted papers in the categories A-D above will appear in the post-proceedings of the workshop that will be published as a volume in Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science.

The authors of a selected subset of accepted papers will be invited to submit
extended versions of their papers to appear in a special issue of the
Science of Computer Programming journal.

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