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Metrisec 2011 : 7th International Workshop on SECURITY MEASUREMENTS AND METRICS


When Sep 21, 2011 - Sep 21, 2011
Where Banff, Canada
Submission Deadline Jun 6, 2011
Notification Due Jul 10, 2011
Final Version Due Jul 24, 2011
Categories    security metrics   information security   software security   computer security

Call For Papers

Call for Papers

MetriSec 2011
7th International Workshop on

Affiliated with the International Symposium on
Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM)

September 21, 2011
Banff, Alberta, Canada

Workshop overview

Quantitative assessment is a major stumbling block for software and system security. Although some security metrics exist, they are rarely adequate. The engineering importance of metrics is intuitive: you cannot consistently improve what you cannot measure. Economics is an additional driver for security metrics: customers are unlikely to pay a premium for security if they are unable to quantify what they receive.

The goal of the workshop is to foster research into security measurements and metrics and to continue building the community of individuals interested in this field. This year, MetriSec continues its co-location with ESEM, which offers an opportunity for the security metrics folks to meet the metrics community at large.

The organizers solicit original submissions from industry and academic experts on the development and application of repeatable, meaningful measurements in the fields of software and system security. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Security metrics
* Security measurement and monitoring
* Development of predictive models
* Experimental validation of models
* Formal theories of security metrics
* Security quality assurance
* Empirical assessment of security architectures and solutions
* Mining data from attack and vulnerability repositories: e.g. CVE, CVSS
* Software security metrics
* Static analysis metrics
* Simulation and statistical analysis
* Security risk analysis
* Industrial experience

Important dates

Submission of papers: May 30
Notification to authors: July 3
Submission of camera-ready: July 24


Authors of accepted papers must present their work at the workshop. The proceedings of the workshop will be electronically published by the IEEE.


Submissions are sought in any of the following three categories:

(a) Research papers describing original results, both theoretical and experimental, are solicited in any of the above mentioned topics. Theoretical papers should clearly state the contribution and include some initial validation. Experimental papers are particularly welcome. In this case, authors are required to explicitly state their hypothesis, to detail the methodology used, and to describe the experiment set-up.

(b) Preliminary research results or new ideas can be submitted in the form of short papers.

(c) Industry experience reports are also welcome. Industry papers should have at least one author from industry or government, and will be considered for their industrial relevance.

The page limit for the final proceedings version is 10 pages in double-column format; short papers are limited to 4 pages. Authors should use the IEEE Conference Proceedings Template when preparing their submission. Only PDF files are accepted.


Details about workshop organization, registration, and location can be found at

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