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AOSD 2013 : MODULARITY: aosd.2013Conference Series : Aspect-Oriented Software Development | |||||||||||||
Link: http://aosd.net/2013/ | |||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||
MODULARITY: aosd.2013
*** AOSD 2013 *** March 25-29, 2013 Fukuoka, Japan http://aosd.net/2013/ Overview of submission deadlines: October 1st: - Workshop Proposals October 8th: - Research Results Track - Modularity Visions Track - Industry Track ================================================================================ Call for Papers -- Research Results Modularity transcending traditional abstraction boundaries is essential for developing complex modern systems - particularly software and software-intensive systems. Aspect-oriented and other new forms of modularity and abstraction are attracting a great deal attention across many domains within and beyond computer science. As the premier international conference on modularity, AOSD continues to advance our knowledge and understanding of separation of concerns, modularity, and abstraction in the broadest senses of these terms. The 2013 AOSD conference will comprise two main events: "Research Results" and "Modularity Visions". Both events invite full, scholarly papers of the highest quality on new ideas and results in areas that include but are not limited to complex systems, software design and engineering, programming languages, cyber-physical systems, and other areas across the whole system life cycle. Research Results papers are expected to contribute significant new research results with rigorous and substantial validation of specific technical claims based on scientifically sound reflections on experience, analysis, or experimentation. Modularity Visions papers (solicited in a separate call) are expected to present compelling new ideas in modularity, including strong cases for significance, novelty, validity, and potential impact based on thorough scholarly argumentation and early results. AOSD 2013 is deeply committed to eliciting works of the highest caliber. To this aim, three separate paper submission deadlines and review stages are offered. A paper accepted in any round will be published in the proceedings and presented at the conference. Promising papers submitted in an early round that are not accepted may be invited to be revised and resubmitted for review by the same reviewers in a later round. Authors of such invited resubmissions are asked to also submit a letter explaining the revisions made to the paper to address the reviewer's concerns. While there is no guarantee that an invited resubmission paper will be accepted, this procedure, similar to major revisions requested by journals, is designed to help authors of promising work get their papers into the conference. Of course, authors that submitted to an early round may, on their own initiative, resubmit a rejected work in a subsequent round, in which case new reviewers may be appointed. Topics Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: * Complex systems: Modularity has emerged as a vital theme in many domains, from biology to economics to engineered systems to software and software-intensive systems, and beyond. AOSD 2013 invites works that explore and establish connections across such disciplinary boundaries. * Software design and engineering: Requirements and domain engineering; architecture; synthesis; evolution; metrics and evaluation; economics; testing analysis and verification; semantics; composition and interference; traceability; methodology; patterns. * Programming languages: Language design; compilation and interpretation; verification and static program analysis; formal languages and calculi; execution environments and dynamic weaving; dynamic and scripting languages; domain-specific languages and other support for new forms of abstraction. * Varieties of modularity: Context orientation; feature orientation; model-driven development; generative programming; software product lines; traits; meta-programming and reflection; contracts and components; view-based development. * Tools: Aspect mining; evolution and reverse engineering; crosscutting views; refactoring. * Applications: Data-intensive computing; distributed and concurrent systems; middleware; service-oriented computing systems; cyber-physical systems; networking; cloud computing; pervasive computing; runtime verification; computer systems performance; system health monitoring and the enforcement of non-functional properties. Important Dates -- Research Results (all deadlines are in 2012, 23:59:59 Pago Pago/American Samoa time) * Round 1: Submission: PASSED / Notification: PASSED * Round 2: Submission: PASSED / Notification: September 10th * Round 3: Submission: October 8th / Notification: December 10th Instructions for Authors Submissions to AOSD Research Results will be carried out electronically via CyberChair. (Modularity Visions and Research Results will have separate CyberChair URLs.) All papers must be submitted in PDF format. Submissions must be no longer than 12 pages (including bibliography, figures, and appendices) in standard ACM SIG Proceedings format. The submission deadline, length limitations, and formatting instructions are firm: any submissions that deviate from these may be rejected without review by the program chairs. Submitted papers must adhere to SIGPLAN's republication policy. Each paper should contain an explanation of its contributions in both general and technical terms, clearly identifying what has been accomplished, explaining why it is significant, and placing it in the context of relevant prior work. Where appropriate, systems and experimental data should be made available on the Web. Authors should make the technical content of their papers understandable to a broad but technically sophisticated audience. Publication Accepted papers will be published by the ACM in the main AOSD 2013 conference proceedings and will appear in the ACM Digital Library. Authors of accepted papers are expected to revise their papers in light of reviewers' comments, and to provide camera-ready versions of the papers by the camera-ready deadline. All authors will also be required to sign the standard ACM copyright form. Program Chair -- Research Results Jörg Kienzle, McGill University, Canada Program Committee Mehmet Aksit, University of Twente, The Netherlands Shaukat Ali, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway Sven Apel, Universitat Passau, Germany João Araujo, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal Christoph Bockisch, University of Twente, The Netherlands Eric Bodden, EC SPRIDE / Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany Walter Cazzola, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy Shigeru Chiba, The University of Tokyo, Japan Erik Ernst, Aarhus University, Denmark Robert France, Colorado State University, USA Lidia Fuentes, Universidad de Málaga, Spain Alessandro Garcia, PUC-Rio, Brazil Jeff Gray, University of Alabama, USA Stefan Hanenberg, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany Robert Hirschfeld, Hasso-Plattner Institut, Germany Wouter Joosen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Shmuel Katz, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel Gregor Kiczales, University of British Columbia, Canada Jacques Klein, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Philippe Lahire, University Nice Sophia Antipolis, France Karl Lieberherr, Northeastern University, USA Mira Mezini, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany Hridesh Rajan, Iowa State University, USA Awais Rashid, Lancaster University, UK Gunter Mussbacher, Carleton University, Canada Mario Südholt, École des Mines de Nantes, France Kevin Sullivan, University of Virginia, USA Peri Tarr, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA Aswin van den Berg, UniqueSoft LLC, USA Steffen Zschaler, King's College, London, UK ================================================================================ Call for Papers -- Modularity Visions Modularity properties are key determinants of quality in information systems, software, and system production processes. Modularity influences system diversity, dependability, performance, evolution, the structure and the dynamics of the organizations that produce systems, human understanding and management of systems, and ultimately system value. Yet the nature of and possibilities for modularity, limits to modularity, the mechanisms needed to achieve it in given forms, and its costs and benefits remain poorly understood. Significant advances in modularity thus are possible and promise to yield breakthroughs in our ability to conceive, design, develop, validate, integrate, deploy, operate, and evolve modern information systems and their underlying software artifacts. The Modularity Visions track of AOSD 2013 (MV) seeks papers presenting compelling insights into modularity in information systems, including its nature, forms, mechanisms, consequences, limits, costs, and benefits. Rather than ex post results, MV seeks promising ex ante proposals for future work. The scope of MV is broad: open to submissions from all areas of computer science, as well as from other fields. Reviewing Process Reviewing will be based on norms applied to peer-reviewed proposals to research programs that demand breakthrough potential. Papers must be well written, must present new perspectives on, or approaches to, important problems, must formulate clear hypotheses justified by analysis or results from preliminary work, must evaluate potential significance and risks, must articulate how progress can be evaluated, and must discuss related and required future work. There is a single submission deadline for MV (which is the same date as RR Round 3). Papers submitted to MV will undergo a two-phase review process. Each paper will first be reviewed by at least two members of the program committee (PC). The PC will then recommend acceptance, rejection, or an invitation to revise and resubmit. Invited revisions will then be reviewed by at least one more member of the PC. Authors of revised papers should explain how they responded to earlier reviews. MV may include invited papers. A paper accepted to the MV track will be published in the proceedings and presented at the conference. Important Dates -- Modularity Visions * Submission: October 8th (same deadline as RR-3) * Notification: December 10th (all deadlines are in 2012, 23:59:59 Pago Pago/American Samoa time) Program Co-Chairs — Modularity Visions Elisa Baniassad, Australian National University David H. Lorenz, Open University of Israel Program Committee Jonathan Aldrich, Carnegie Mellon University Elisa Baniassad, Australian National University (Co-Chair) Don Batory, University of Texas at Austin Siobhan Clarke, Lero, Trinity College Dublin Jonathan Edwards, MIT David H. Lorenz, Open University of Israel (Co-Chair) Klaus Ostermann, University of Marburg Kevin Sullivan, University of Virginia Clemens Szyperski, Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA Amiram Yehudai, Tel Aviv University ================================================================================ Call for Papers -- Industry Track Modularity is the foundation of large-scale modern software development. As software becomes larger and more complex, traditional modularity techniques are no longer sufficient to create and maintain software systems. The International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Development (AOSD) is the premier conference on software modularity. The AOSD 2013 industry track is calling on software professionals to submit papers on modularity describing advanced solutions, state of the art practices, problem descriptions, experiences, and system/tool developments. Topics Domains of interest include, but are not limited to cloud computing, middleware, desktop applications, financial, communications, automotive, and languages/tools. Each domain has its own technologies, development style, and business context. More specifically, AOSD 2013 is seeking submissions that address questions such as the following: * How are traditional forms of modularity insufficient for solving complex technical problems? * What novel techniques of modularity are being used? * How is modularity being used at different stages of the software development process: requirements, design, architecture, modelling, programming, testing? * Are techniques such as aspect-orientation, domain-specific languages, software services, generative programming, and meta-programming useful for creating well-modularized systems? * Dependency management and provisioning tools such as p2, maven, and gradle help create large software from reusable components, but are they sufficient? * Finally, what are the complications of producing and consuming modular software in the open source community? Important Dates -- Industry Track (all deadlines are in 2012, 23:59:59 Pago Pago/American Samoa time) AOSD 2013 is deeply committed to eliciting works of the highest caliber. To this aim, two separate paper submission deadlines and review stages are offered. A paper accepted in either round will be published in the web-proceedings and presented at the conference. Promising papers submitted in an early round that are not accepted may be invited to be revised and resubmitted for review in a later round. Authors of such invited resubmissions are asked to also submit a letter explaining the revisions made to the paper to address the reviewer's concerns. While there is no guarantee that an invited resubmission paper will be accepted, this procedure, similar to major revisions requested by journals, is designed to help authors of promising work get their papers into the conference. * Round 1: Submission: PASSED / Notification: September 10th * Round 2: Submission: October 8th / Notification: December 10th (all deadlines are in 2012, 23:59:59 Pago Pago, American Samoa, time) How to submit Submissions to the AOSD 2013 industry track will be accepted at http://aosd.net/2013/industry_track/submissions/. Submission should be no longer than 10,000 characters and in markdown format. Any images, figures, or graphs should be hosted at a third party image sharing site such as Imgur and linked to from the submitted document. The industry track organizing committee may migrate these images to AOSD.net servers for the camera-ready copy. Review process Each submission will be reviewed by the AOSD 2013 industry program committee. Evaluation is based mainly on the usefulness to the AOSD community, i.e., each submission should describe its modularity issue (problem, solution, practice, experience and/or system/tool development) along with characteristics of its industrial domain Explicit discussion on the issue is also required, such as analysis of the problem, benefit/ drawbacks of the solutions, lessons learned from the experience. Importance of the issues, deepness of their discussions and understandability (technical soundness, clarity and organization) will be evaluated. The committee may contact authors as a part of review process. ================================================================================ Call for Workshop Proposals Proposals' Deadline: 1st October 2012 Workshop Dates: 25th and 26th March 2013 As with previous AOSD conferences, Modularity: AOSD 2013 will host a vibrant workshop programme. We invite proposals for one or two day workshops to be hosted in conjunction with Modularity: AOSD 2013. We encourage workshop proposals on all conference-related topics, particularly those that are novel or emerging within the community. However, the topics of the workshops are not limited to aspects and AOSD. The workshop chairs will evaluate each proposal based upon the relevance of the workshop, it's potential to attract participants and the likelihood of interesting results emerging. Precedence will be given to those workshops that propose an innovative format and foster a collaborative environment between participants. We also welcome proposals for local workshops (i.e. those where English is not the primary language), however, English based papers/discussions are strongly encouraged. Submission Guidelines Workshop proposals must be authored by at least two organisers and should contain the following sections: 1. Workshop Organisers' Information * The name and contact information of each organiser. * A brief (100 - 200 words) biography of each organiser, detailing their expertise that is relevant to the workshop and experience as a workshop organiser. * Identify a primary contact for the workshop. 2. Workshop Details * Workshop name and acronym. * Workshop abstract (less than 200 words) describing the workshop. This should also be suitable for the conference website and advance program. * A description of the workshop's topics, themes and motivation. * What are the expected goals and results of the workshop? How will these be achieved? * An overview of the workshop format, this should include activities to stimulate collaboration and interaction. * What is the expected number of participants? How will the workshop attract this number of people? * Details of previous workshops in this series or on similar topics. * Does the workshop have any specific room requirements beyond a projector, whiteboard/flipcharts, etc.? 3. Preliminary Call for Papers A preliminary call for papers should also be included in the workshop proposal, this will naturally repeat some of the previous information provided but should instead target potential workshop participants. The following information should be included: * Workshop name/acronym. * Overview of the workshop including: motivation, topics and goals. * Workshop format. * Tentative important dates including submission date, notification date, camera-ready date, etc. (these should align to the suggested dates below). * Submission guidelines (these should align with the guidelines suggested below) and procedure. * Preliminary program committee. * Website URL. Workshop Proceedings The workshop chairs are currently in negotiation with the ACM to include the workshop proceedings in the ACM digital library. The inclusion of a workshop's proceedings in the digital library is optional and is at the discretion of each workshop's organisers. However, for consistency we suggest each workshop request papers to be submitted in ACM formatting and use the following dates for submissions to meet ACM's publication deadlines: * Workshop Paper submission deadline: 7th January 2013 * Workshop Paper notification date: 28th January 2013 * Workshop Paper camera-ready deadline: 18th February 2013 How to Submit Workshop proposals must submitted on or before 1st October 2012 in PDF format by emailing the workshop chairs at workshops@aosd.net There are no strict page limits being enforced, however, organisers are strongly encouraged to keep their proposals concise. To ensure a balanced workshop program, the workshop chairs will work closely with the other conference organisers and may suggest the merging of workshops when deemed appropriate. Upon a workshop proposal being accepted, the workshop organisers should create and maintain a workshop website that contains the information set out in call for papers as well as providing the workshop program in due course. The workshop chairs will assist in co-ordinating publicity of the workshops. |