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OTLip 2017 : Off the Lip 2017: Cognitive Innovation & Displacement


When Aug 16, 2017 - Aug 18, 2017
Where Plymouth University, Plymouth, UK
Submission Deadline May 12, 2017
Final Version Due Jul 17, 2017
Categories    intedisciplinary   creativity   cognition   innovation

Call For Papers

[Deadline extended to 12 May 2017]

The challenges facing society today demand innovative approaches, creative solutions and wider resonances that can only be obtained by drawing on multiple perspectives. Off the Lip, in its third edition, integrates research in art, science, humanities, and engineering in a radically transdisciplinary event that actively engages the business community and the public at large. We invite you to submit your work and join us in CogNovo's latest, excitingly diverse ideas exchange. Based at the Cognition Institute at Plymouth University (UK), CogNovo is a multidisciplinary collaborative programme linking the sciences, arts and humanities. Through the notion of cognitive innovation, we approach creativity as a bootstrapping cognitive process not exclusively concerned with conscious human thought and action but with a broader conceptualisation of adaptive behaviour that is intrinsic to our engagement with the world.

Off the Lip 2017 welcomes submissions in topics related to cognitive innovation and creativity. In recognition of the profound changes facing society today, we especially welcome submissions around the theme of Cognitive Innovation and Displacement. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

Technologies of displacement, displaced technologies
* Robot creativity and the second machine age
* Competing, collaborating, or co-creating with machines
* Make it work: jugaad and practices of hacking
* Mobile, ubiquitous, and pervasive computing

Cognitive innovation in the context of recent world developments
* Nudging or manipulating? Cognitive interventions for behavioral change
* Speculative and critical design
* Reimagining and re-engaging with the commons
* Cognitive innovations in assessment, measurement, and observation

Displacements in cognition
* Making up your mind: Perceptual and creative processes as displacements of reality
* Serendipities as displaced thoughts
* Creativity and cognition in the displaced body
* Counterfactual thinking and displacing facts
* Creativity as improvisation
* Cognitive disruptions and re/placing habit

We invite proposals for contributions such as (but not limited to) the following:
- Presentations
- Posters
- Workshops
- Exhibits
- Demos

Conference proceedings will be published digitally and in print. A prize of £200 will be awarded for the best student contribution to the conference.

Keynote Speakers:
Joel Pearson (Associate Professor, University of New South Wales Sydney, Australia)
Dr. Joel Pearson is a psychologist, neuroscientist, and public intellectual who works at the forefront of science, innovation, agile science and new mind measurement technologies. His research focuses on the mechanisms and application of mental imagery, hallucinations, decision-making, the science of intution, memory, metacognition, visual perception, learning, attention and awareness. He is the founder of the Pearson Lab for cognitive science at UNSW Sydney, which studies cognition through behavioural psychophysics, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).

Jon Rae (Head, Schumacher College, UK)
Dr. Jon Rae is Head of Schumacher College, a cutting-edge learning environment that has offered transformative courses for sustainable living for 25 years. His research and applied interests include collective responses to sustainability issues, social enterprise and local livelihoods, common property management and resilient institutions, and ecological design and regeneration. Dr. Rae holds has worked with the Food and Agriculture Organisation (United Nations), the Clinton Middle East Peace Process, and the Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Research. He holds a doctorate in Geography and Anthropology from the University of Oxford, an MSc in Environmental Management from the University of Stirling, a Post-Graduate Diploma in Desert Studies from Ben-Gurion University and a BSc in Business (minor in Economics) from George Mason University.

Off the Lip 2017 (16-18 August) will be closely followed by the Balance-Unbalance 2017 conference (21-23 August). We invite you to spend the intervening weekend in the beautiful coastal area of Cornwall or the dramatic Dartmoor area before attending Balance-Unbalance, whose theme (A Sense of Place: Art x Science x Technology = Environment / Responsibility) is closely linked to that of Off the Lip.

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