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ECAI 2009 : Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence | |||||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.ecai.upit.ro | |||||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||||
UNIVERSITY OF PITESTI: - Faculty of Electronics, Communications and Computers (FETC); - Department of Electronics and Computers - Research Centre for Systems and Processes' Modelling and Simulation IEEE ROMANIA SECTION Co-organizers: POLITEHNICA UNIVERSITY OF BUCHAREST: - Faculty of Electronics Telecom. and Information Technology - Faculty of Automatics and Computers INSTITUTE for THEORETICAL INFORMATICS of the ROMANIAN ACADEMY - Iaşi Branch NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR INVENTICS, Iaşi MILITARY TECHNICAL ACADEMY, Bucharest NUCLEAR RESEARCH INSTITUTE, Piteşti Honorary Chair: Takeshi Yamakawa General Chairs: Horia-Nicolai (L.) Teodorescu and Emil Sofron Co-chairs: Gheorghe Serban and Silviu Ionita Program Chair: Nicu Bizon Local Arrangements Chair: Ion Tutanescu with the IET and IEEE technical sponsorship ECAI 2009 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 3rd Edition Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS 3-5 July, 2009 Piteşti, ROMANIA University of Piteşti, Târgu din Vale Street, No. 1, 110040 Piteşti – ROMANIA INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE (will be announced): SCOPE The conference is aimed to serve as an international forum for effective exchange of scientific knowledge and experience among researchers active in various theoretical and applied areas of electronic equipments, communication, automatic control, applied informatics, information technology and computer science. The program will include plenary and regular sessions, special sessions, workshops, discussions’ groups and social events. The conference’s official language is English. AREAS OF INTEREST: Electronic circuits and equipments; Communications; Microwaves - techniques and technologies & EMC; Bio-medical applications & biomaterials; Software and computer applications; Data bases; Expert systems & Artificial Intelligence Educational multimedia applications; Environmental issues. Other topics are welcome. SPECIAL SESSIONS (proposed by contributors) Special sessions will include 4-5 invited papers. These papers should present a cohesive and comprehensive discussion of a relevant topic, consistent with the conference topics. Prospective organizers are invited to submit by email the proposed session title and the extended (two pages) abstracts or the full papers. Deadline for submission is January 20, 2009. The acceptance of the special session will be notified on February 15, 2009. For the submission of full papers see IMPORTANT DEADLINES. POSTERS and EXHIBITION Appropriate facilities for posters advertising and products exhibiting will be available. These are specially addressed to the research institutions/centers for their recent and relevant achievements. For more details about this opportunity, please contact the Organizers as quickly. IMPORTANT DEADLINES Ian. 20, 2009: Proposals of special sessions. Feb. 15, 2009: Submission of regular papers (4 or 6 pages) as Word files, together with the completed registration forms, using ON-LINE REGISTRATION or e-mail address: ecai@upit.ro April 15, 2009: Notification of acceptance. May 15, 2009: Camera-ready version of the accepted papers (MS Word file and pdf), registration form and fee are due. INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS The length of a paper should be either 4 or 6 pages*. Please follow carefully the Instructions for Authors and use the ECAI-Template-styles. The camera-ready version should be prepared as MS Word files. Each contributor (author or co-author) can submit only two papers. * extra payment will be €5/extra pages, but no more than 12 pages/paper. REGULAR PAPERS These are requested in all areas consistent with the conference topics. Authors are asked to submit their original work by uploading it on the conference website the full papers of 4 or 6 pages* length in electronic form. Authors are requested to clearly point out - at paper submission and e-mail correspondence, the name of the topic to which their paper is submitted to (e.g., Environmental issues). PAPERS PUBLISHING The papers should be written in the ECAI-Template-styles format. The best presented papers will be free published in the FETC Scientific Bulletin – Series: Electronics and Computer Science Journal (ISSN 1453-1119). The best ECAI paper will be awarded with 200$ (IEC&IEEE sponsorship through the Mediterranean Journals). Extended version of selected best papers presented to the ECAI’09 will be free published in the Mediterranean Journals (Electronics and Communications www.medjec.com/, Computer and Networks www.medjcn.com/ and Measurement and Control www.medjmc.com/) and in the International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions www.inderscience.com/ (5 per journal, after that extended papers will be further reviewed as normal). Contact addresses For other information you are invited to address: Conference web site: www.ecai.upit.ro E-mail: ecai@upit.ro Tel/Fax: 0040 0248 22 29 49 ; Fax: 0248 21 64 48 Local Organizing Committee: Monica Chiţă Florin Smaranda Corina Savulescu Petre Anghelescu Badea Romeo Marian Răducu Valeriu Ionescu Daniel Visan Cioc Bogdan Mihai Oproescu Registration Form -------------------------------------------------------------------- Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2009) Piteşti, 3-5 July 2009. Author(s): …………………………………………………………. …….…………………………………………………… Paper's title: .………………………………………………………. .………………………………………………………. Institution: ..………………………………………………………. Correspondence address: ………………………………………………………… ………..………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………... Tel: ………………………..Fax: ……………………. E-mail: …………………… ----------------------------------------------------------------- Accommodation: Yes/No Hotel No. of stars Hostel Days: 2 3 4 5 July The €100 (€70 for IEEE members; 150 RON for Romanian participants) conference registration fee (for one paper as fist author) will be paid using Payment Instructions (in special cases at welcome desk). Expenses with accommodation and food are supported by each participant. Depending on sponsors’ contributions, there can be some stipends. Contact: Tel./fax 0040 0248 22 29 49 E-mail: ecai@upit.ro |