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TIR 2012 : 9th International Workshop on Text-based Information Retrieval


Conference Series : Text-based Information Retrieval
When Sep 3, 2012 - Sep 7, 2012
Where Vienna, Austria
Submission Deadline Mar 30, 2012
Notification Due Apr 26, 2012
Final Version Due May 23, 2012
Categories    information retrieval   text mining   NLP   web

Call For Papers

CFP - TIR 2012 9th International Workshop on Text-based Information Retrieval, Submission till Mar 30 2012

*TIR 2012*

9th International Workshop on Text-based Information Retrieval
in conjunction with DEXA 2012

Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
September 3 - 7, 2012

Call for Papers:

Intelligent algorithms for mining and retrieval are the key technology to cope with the information need challenges in our media-centered society. Methods for text-based information retrieval receive special attention, which results from the important role of written text, from the high availability of the Internet, and from the enormous importance of Web communities.

Advanced information retrieval and extraction uses methods from different areas: machine learning, computer linguistics and psychology, user interaction and modeling, information visualization, Web engineering, artificial intelligence, or distributed systems. The development of intelligent retrieval tools requires the understanding and combination of the achievements in these areas, and in this sense the workshop provides a common platform for presenting and discussing new solutions.

The following list organizes classic and ongoing topics from the field of text-based IR for which contributions are welcome:

- Theory. Retrieval models, language models, similarity measures, formal analysis
- Mining and Classification. Category formation, clustering, entity resolution, document classification
- Web. Community mining, social network analysis, structured retrieval from XML documents
- Information Quality. Quality assessment, information diffusion in social media
- NLP. Text summarization, keyword extraction, topic identification
- User Interface. Paradigms and algorithms for information visualization, personalization, privacy issues
- User Context. Context models for IR, context analysis from user behavior and from social networks
- Multilinguality. Cross-language retrieval, multilingual retrieval, machine translation for IR
- Evaluation. Corpus construction, experiment design, conception of user studies
- Semantic Web. Meta data analysis and tagging, knowledge extraction, inference, and maintenance
- Software Engineering. Frameworks and architectures for retrieval technology, distributed IR

The workshop is held for the ninth time. In the past, it was characterized by a stimulating atmosphere, and it attracted high quality contributions from all over the world. In particular, we encourage participants to present research prototypes and demonstration tools of their research ideas.

Submission Guideline
- Research papers submitted to TIR-12 must be original contributions.
- Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least two experts from the related field.
- The review process will be single-blind (the identity of authors is known to the reviewers).
- Accepted papers will be published as IEEE proceedings by IEEE CS Press.
- At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the contribution.
- The camera ready papers are limited to 5 (five) pages in IEEE format (two columns in A4).
- Papers must be written in English.

Submit a Contribution
Submissions must generally be in electronic form using the Portable Document Format (PDF) or Postscript. It is the responsibility of authors to ensure that their papers use no unusual format features and are printable on a standard Postscript printer.
Please use our conference management system ConfDriver to submit your paper.
Important Dates

- Mar 30, 2012, 24:00 (CET): Deadline for paper submission
- Apr 26, 2012: Notification to authors
- May 23, 2012: Camera-ready copy due

Organizing Committee
- Benno Stein (Co-Chair), Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany
- Michael Granitzer (Co-Chair), University of Passau
- Maik Anderka, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany

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