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i-KNOW 2014 : 14th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-driven Business


Conference Series : International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies
When Sep 16, 2014 - Sep 19, 2014
Where Graz, Austria
Abstract Registration Due Apr 7, 2014
Submission Deadline Apr 22, 2014
Notification Due May 2, 2014
Final Version Due Jun 16, 2014
Categories    knowledge discovery   data mining   social computing   knowledge technologies

Call For Papers

14th International Conference on
Knowledge Technologies and Data-driven Business
16-19 September 2014, Graz, Austria
There is a†textfile†you can use for distribution.
Important Dates
Full Paper Submissions (8 pages)
* Abstract Submission Deadline: March 24, 2014
* Paper Submission Deadline: March 31, 2014
* Notification of Acceptance: May 2, 2014
* Camera-Ready Paper: June 9, 2014

Poster & Demonstration Submissions (4 pages)
* Submission Deadline: May 19, 2014
* Notification of Acceptance: June 16, 2014

I-KNOW proceedings will be published by ACM ICPS
Collocated Conferences
We are proud to announce that†EC-TEL 2014 (European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning)†will this year be organized co-located to†i-KNOW in Graz. Therefore, we are also specifically interested in workshops which bridge the two conferences.
Topics historically covered at our conference (such as semantics, LOD, social semantic web) will also be integrated into i-KNOW 2014 and contributions are encouraged to cover these topics.
Conference Theme: Cognitive Computing and Data-Driven Business
i-KNOW 2014 aims at advancing research at the intersection of disciplines such as knowledge discovery, semantics, information visualization, visual analytics, social (semantic) and ubiquitous computing. The goal of integrating these approaches is to create cognitive computing systems that will interact naturally with humans, learn from their experiences and generate and evaluate evidence-based hypotheses. That is, we interpret cognitive computing as the convergence of various knowledge technologies research fields. On the other hand, data-driven business represents the business perspective on cognitive computing and takes application specific knowledge (such as semantics) into account.
We are specifically interested in the integration of data-centric and user-centric approaches and welcome contributions from both ends of the spectrum.
Conference Topics include (but are not limited to):
Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining
* Big data in knowledge discovery
* Data mining in the linked data cloud
* Text/web/social/user behaviour mining
* Unsupervised, supervised and semi-supervised machine learning
* Deep machine learning
* Enterprise retrieval
* Online machine learning
* Natural language analysis and sentiment detection
* Data and information retrieval (e.g. cross-language retrieval, interactive retrieval methods, multimedia and cross-modal information retrieval)
* Data and information quality
* Knowledge base population and information extraction
* Content-based recommender systems
* Intent Mining & Understanding
Visual Analytics & Information Visualization
* Visual analytics and intelligent user interfaces for data analytics
* Scalability of visual analytics and knowledge discovery techniques
* Interactive knowledge discovery
* Visual representations and metaphors
* Natural interaction techniques for visualization
* Visualization of knowledge, semantic information and linked data
* Visualization of search results, text and multimedia corpora
* Visualization of temporal, spatial and sensory data
* Process and workflow visualization
* Visual support for reasoning and decision making
* Discourse and collaborative visualization
* Cognitive and perceptual factors in visualization

Social Computing
* Social media, social web, and social network analysis
* Web 2.0, future internet, and web science
* Collaborative knowledge creation and crowdsourcing
* Information quality and knowledge maturing
* Community evolution and user engagement
* Social information seeking and recommender systems
* Social search and retrieval systems
* Temporal and spatial analysis of social and information networks
* Social-semantic-content networks and their analysis
* Semantic uplifting in social networks
* Spam, misinformation and malicious activity discovery in social systems
* Social gaming and human computing
* Privacy & trust in social computing
Ubiquitous Context-aware Computing
* Ubiquitous information access
* Ubiquitous (collaborative) work, learning, creativitiy, etc.
* Mobile and ubiquitous data management and processing
* Bridging the digital and physical worlds
* Mobile sensors and sensor analytics
* Usage and usage data analytics
* Mobile social networking and mobile web
* Ubiquitous computing architectures and infrastructures
* User interaction and usability on mobile devices
* Augmented reality and augmentation interfaces
* Mobile visual interfaces for collaboration support
* User profiles and user models
* Context-aware recommenders
* Adaptive systems, applications, interfaces and visualizations
* Evaluation and measurement approaches
* Security and privacy aspects of (mobile) sensing applications
Science 2.0 & Open Science
* New publication and research processes
* Opportunities and challenges for researchers and research organizations
* New indicator systems to measure scientific quality
* Awareness-support for science 2.0 activities
* New paradigms for scientific communication
* New feedback mechanisms among researchers and between science and society
* Empirical studies on the use of web 2.0 tools for science 2.0
* Marketplaces for scientific data and publications
* Recommender systems in science 2.0
* Virtual research environments
* Digital research libraries
* Applications in and for science 2.0
* Crowd-sourcing in science
* Robust methods for dealing with noisy crowd-sourced data
* Data schemes and interoperability formats
* Social mining and metadata extraction in academic resources
* Metadata quality and quality assessment
* Design and architecture of data sharing facilities
* Semantic web standards for science 2.0
* Systems design accounting for standardized data sets

Conference Organizers
General Chairs
* Stefanie Lindstaedt (Know-Center Graz, Austria†&†Graz University of Technology)
* Michael Granitzer (University of Passau, Germany)
* Harald Sack (Hasso-Platter Institute fot IT Systems Engineering, Germany)
Program Chairs Knowledge & Data Analytics
* Jˆrn Kohlhammer,†FHG IGD, Germany (to be confirmed)
* Roman Kern,†Know-Center Graz, Austria
* Vedran Sabol,†Know-Center Graz, Austria
* Wolfgang Kienreich,†Know-Center Graz, Austria
* Christin Seifert,†University of Passau, Germany
Program Chairs Social & Ubiquitous Computing
* Denis Helic,†Graz University of Technology
* Viktoria Pammer,†Know-Center Graz, Austria†&†Graz University of Technology
* Christoph Trattner,†Know-Center Graz, Austria
Program Chairs Science 2.0 & Open Science (to be confirmed)
* Klaus Tochtermann,†ZBW ñ Leibniz Information Center for Economics, Germany
* Peter Kraker,†Know-Center Graz, Austria
Poster & Demonstration Chairs
* Jˆrg Simon,†Know-Center Graz, Austria
Local Organization & Dissemination Chair
* Nina Simon,†Know-Center Graz, Austria

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