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MCIS 2011 : 6th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems - Cloud Computing Track


Conference Series : Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems
When Sep 3, 2011 - Sep 5, 2011
Where Limassol, Cyprus
Submission Deadline May 2, 2011
Notification Due Jun 15, 2011
Final Version Due Jul 1, 2011
Categories    cloud computing   information systems

Call For Papers

6th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems

IS: Crossroads of Technology, People, Organizations and Markets

Limassol, Cyprus - September 3-5, 2011

TRACK: Cloud Computing

Track Chairs: Ivona Brandic, Vienna University of Technology, Austria; George Pallis, University of Cyprus, Cyprus; Rizos Sakellariou, University of Manchester, U.K.

Cloud Computing is a recent trend in information technology and scientific computing that has the potential to change radically the way computer applications and services are constructed, managed and delivered. The key driving forces behind the emergence of Cloud Computing include the overcapacity of today’s large corporate data centers, the ubiquity of broadband and wireless networking, the failing cost of storage, and progressive improvements in networking technologies.

Currently, the main technical underpinnings of Cloud Computing infrastructures and services include virtualization, service-oriented software, Grid computing technologies, management of large facilities, power efficiency etc. The emergence of Cloud Computing promises to streamline the on-demand provision of software, hardware, and data as a service, achieving economies of scale in the deployment and operation of information systems. The pay-as-you-go model and rapid provisioning can result in more efficient resource utilization and reduced costs. Cloud Computing opens new perspectives with profound implications in information systems, raising new issues in their architecture, design, and implementation.
This track aims to promote the state of the art in scientific and practical research of the Cloud-based information systems. It provides a forum for bringing together researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and public sector in an effort to present their research work and share knowledge and experiences of the tools, techniques, technologies, models and methodologies that lead to better information and service provisioning in the Cloud. Position, experience and survey papers are very welcome. Specifically, areas of interest are the following (but not limited):

•Architecture and management of Cloud Computing infrastructures;
•Cloud Computing programming and application development;
•Experience reports with Cloud Computing Infrastructures;
•Cloud Computing and Information Systems;
•Cross-platform interoperability;
•Service-Level Agreements (SLAs), business models and pricing policies;
•Content and service management in Cloud Computing infrastructures;
•Power-efficiency and Cloud Computing;
•Enterprise Cloud Computing;
•Privacy, security, ownership and reliability issues.

Conference Submissions

The conference invites paper, panel, and workshop submissions on a broad range of IS themes relevant to IS research and education. Submissions with a focus on policy and practice in the Mediterranean region are especially welcome.
Articles should be submitted electronically as pdf files via EasyChair:
When submitting, authors should indicate the track for which they wish their paper to be considered. Submissions will be subjected to peer review. Authors are advised to format their papers in conformity to the structuring guidelines described in the MCIS_template_2011 which is posted on the conference website, under the tab “Submissions.”

Types of contributions, in English, via the EasyChair Submission System:

•Full research papers (7–12 pages)
•Extended abstracts and short research-in-progress papers (3–7 pages)
•Research and Teaching Case studies(7–12 pages)
•Panel proposals (2–3 pages)

Important Due Dates

- Deadline for submissions: May 2nd, 2011
- Notification of acceptance: June 15th, 2011
- Camera-ready versions: July 1st, 2011


Conference Proceedings will be published online. The proceedings will be listed in major citation databases such as EBSCO, ABI Inform, etc.

Track Programme Committee

•Alvaro Arenas, IE Business School, Spain
•Simon Caton, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
•Stipe Celar, University of Split, Croatia
•Eliezer Dekel, IBM Research, Israel
•Alex Delis, University of Athens, Greece
•Anastasios Gounaris, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
•Verena Kantere, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
•Demetris Katsaros, University of Thessaly, Greece
•Kevin Lee, Murdoch University, Australia
•Carlo Mastroianni, ICAR-CNR, Italy
•Oznur Ozkasap, Koc University, Turkey
•Michael Parkin, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
•Siani Pearson, HP Labs, UK
•Domenico Talia, University of Calabria, Italy

For more information on the conference, please visit

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