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14th Vision Research Conference 2012 : Retina Ciliopathies - From Genes to Mechanisms and Treatment


When May 4, 2012 - May 5, 2012
Where Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA
Submission Deadline Feb 3, 2012
Categories    neuroscience   genetics   cell biology   vision science

Call For Papers

The 14th Annual Vision Research Conference is a two-day satellite meeting prior to ARVO 2012. It is co-sponsored by Vision Research, an International Journal for Functional Aspects of Vision, Elsevier and ARVO, the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.

In recent years numerous mutations in genes encoding proteins involved in development, structure, function and maintenance of photoreceptor cilia have been linked to human disease. The preARVO satellite meeting will review the latest developments in retina ciliopathies including retinitis pigmentosa, Leber congenital amaurosis, and Usher/ Bardet Biedl syndromes. We will focus on genes involved in intraflagellar transport, photoreceptor outer segment morphogenesis, molecular motors and novel animal models that closely mimic human ciliopathies. Main emphasis is on human/mouse genetics, next generation DNA sequencing, proteomics, biochemistry, and cell biology.

Poster abstracts are now invited on the following topics and should be submitted by 3 February 2012, using the online abstract submission system at:

Cilia, intraflagellar transport, and disease
Vesicular trafficking in photoreceptors and RPE
Intraflagellar transport in photoreceptors
Photoreceptor disk morphogenesis
Non-syndromic retinal ciliopathies
Syndromic ciliopathies
Ciliary systems biology
Animal models of retinal ciliopathies

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