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ISDN 2018 : 22nd Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience


When May 22, 2018 - May 25, 2018
Where Nara, Japan
Submission Deadline Jan 12, 2018
Categories    developmental neuroscience   nervous system

Call For Papers

22nd Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience:
Development of circuits, functions, and disorders in the nervous system

Organised by the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience (ISDN), this meeting will include the following topics with talks on diverse model animals and human diseases:

Cell lineage and neural diversity in the cerebral cortex
Development and plasticity of sensory pathways
Oligodendrocyte/neuron interactions
Neural stem-progenitor cells in the embryonic, early postnatal, and adult mammalian brain
Neural activity, subtype specification and circuit formation
Cell migration and layer formation in the developing cerebral cortex
How the Reeler mutation has shaped our understanding of brain development
Transgenerational epigenetic events
Neurodevelopment and psychiatric disorders
Modeling neurodevelopment and developmental brain disorders: from Primate to human PSC-based 2D and 3D models
Mechanisms of circuit formation and degeneration
Development and plasticity of vocal communication systems in human and non-human models
Genome editing applications in understanding of normal and pathological nervous system

Oral and poster abstracts are invited on the conference topics by 12 January 2018.

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