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ICARIS 2012 : International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems


Conference Series : International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems
When Aug 28, 2012 - Aug 31, 2012
Where Taormina, Italy
Submission Deadline Mar 1, 2012
Notification Due May 15, 2012
Final Version Due Jun 15, 2012
Categories    artificial immune systems   artificial intelligence   evolutionary computation

Call For Papers

**Apologies for cross-posting**
The 11th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems
August 28-31, 2012 Taormina, Italy

Important Dates:
Paper submission: 1st March 2012
Author notification: 15th May 2012
Paper final version: 15th June 2012

General Information:
ICARIS 2012 aims to build on the success of previous years to provide a forum for AIS researchers in academia and industry to present and discuss their latest advances. In addition to peer-reviewed papers, ICARIS 2012 will present a range of plenary lectures and tutorials to inspire and facilitate both the computer scientists and immunologists in their work.

ICARIS 2012 is divided into two main tracks:
* 28 and 29 August 2012: Computational Immunology & Immunoinformatics
(for Oral Presentations & Posters submission)

* 30 and 31 August 2012: Immunological Computation, Immune-inspired Engineering, Immune-inspired Heuristics
(for Full papers submission)
(for Oral Presentations & Posters submission)

- Track on Computational Immunology

This track aims is to attract researchers from computer science, information science, engineering, biomathematics, biomedicine, bioinformatics, systems biology, and immunology to share and exchange their knowledge of state-of-the-art research issues, methodologies, ideas, and challenges.

Topics of interest include:
* Immune modelling;
* Structural Immunoinformatics;
* Epitope analysis and prediction;
* Analysis and prediction of MHC-peptide binding;
* Databases and ontologies for Immunoinformatics;
* Analysis and prediction of minor histocompatibility antigens;
* Predictive models on organ transplantation;
* Immunogenomics;
* Vaccine design;
* Multi-agent based models of immunity;
* Gene networks and systems biology in immunity;
* Allergenicity prediction.

In this track, authors are requested to submit an abstract following the instructions on ICARIS 2012 website:

The abstract submissions must be done no later than the submission deadline: 1 March 2012. All accepted abstracts will be published in a book of abstracts. Full versions of the best works on this track will be published in the Immunomics Research Journal and BMC Bioinformatics.

- Track on Immunological Computation, Immune-inspired Engineering, Immune-inspired Heuristics

This track is for papers describing applications to computational and engineering problems, and theoretical aspects (e.g. mathematical modelling of algorithms, convergence analysis, empirical investigation into algorithm performance and complexity analysis) of AIS. For the first class, the problem domain should be clearly explained, detailing why it is challenging and why AIS are a suitable methodology to use. Experiments should be carefully explained, with the expectation that appropriate statistical analysis of results will be used to help draw conclusions. Where possible, the approach taken should be compared with alternative strategies. In order to appeal to the widest audience, theoretical papers must ensure that mathematical arguments and backgrounds are clearly presented, and the paper should also discuss the practical implications of any theoretical results.

In this track authors may submit their manuscripts in two different ways: abstract paper, or regular paper (as usual tradition).

* Abstract paper
Authors must follow the instructions described on ICARIS 2012 website:

* Regular paper
All papers will undergo a double blind review process, and they should be no longer than fourteen (14) pages. Is recommended that authors name and affiliation should not appear on the paper. Authors are requested to submit a PDF file at the link following the formatting instructions at the Springer-Verlag LNCS site, no later than the submission deadline: 1 March 2012.

All accepted papers, as for the previous editions, will be published in Springer's series Lecture Notes in Computer Science. The authors of best (regular) papers on this track will be invited to extend their work for publication in the Evolutionary Computation Journal (TBC), MIT Press.

During the submission authors must make clear which stream the paper should to be considered for. You will be provided a reference number that will be used throughout the submission process.

We look forward to welcoming you to Taormina in August 2012.
C. Coello Coello, J. Greensmith, N. Krasnogor, P. Lio', G. Nicosia, M. Pavone.

Publicity Chairs,
Germán Terrazas Angulo, Nareli Cruz Cortes and Renato Umeton.

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