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ICCST - 2013 : 47th International Carnahan Conference on Security Technologies


When Oct 8, 2013 - Oct 11, 2013
Where Medellín, Colombia
Abstract Registration Due Mar 25, 2013
Submission Deadline Jul 8, 2013
Notification Due Apr 30, 2013
Final Version Due Jul 8, 2013
Categories    security   pattern recognition   signal processing   biometri

Call For Papers

This annual conference is the world’s longest-running, international technical symposium on security technology. This conference is a forum for collaboration on all aspects of physical, cyber and electronic security research, development, systems engineering, testing, evaluation, operations and sustainment. The ICCST facilitates the exchange of ideas and sharing of information on both new and existing technology and systems. Conference participants are encouraged to consider the impact of their work on society. The ICCST provides a foundation for support to authorities and agencies responsible for security, safety and law enforcement in the use of available and future technology.


1. Sensor and detection technology, including sensor webs and signal fusion
2. Advanced video systems, automatic monitoring, automatic threat recognition
3. Alarm monitoring, command and control systems, including human factors
4. Threat identification and modeling
5. Information security, encryption, privacy
6. Cyber security and malware protection
7. Wireless communications security including spectrum use and encryption
8. Biometrics including voice, hand, print, face and other characteristics
9. Access control and identity management
10. Barrier technology and modeling
11. Inspection
12. Less-than-lethal weapons technology
13. Counter-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
14. Airport and transportation security
15. Emergency operations and management
16. Local, state and national interoperability
17. Network-centric systems, deployment, operations and life-cycle management and forensics technologies
18. System engineering and modeling
19. Operator training and performance
20. User experiences of operating security systems including testing
21. Vulnerability analysis and modeling
22. Impact on society of security technology
23. Security Education (*)

(*) The goal is to present experiences related to security in BEng, MSc, PhD courses.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the conference chair
Prof. Jesús Francisco Vargas Bonilla
Prof. Claudia Victoria Isaza
For further information contact Juan Rafael Orozco Arroyave
Thank you for your consideration.

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