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BIOSIG 2012 : IEEE International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group


Conference Series : Biometrics and Electronic Signatures
When Sep 6, 2012 - Sep 7, 2012
Where Darmstadt
Submission Deadline May 30, 2012
Notification Due Jun 30, 2012
Final Version Due Jul 31, 2012
Categories    biometrics   security   image processing   signal processing

Call For Papers

International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group
Sept 06.-07., 2012, Darmstadt, Germany
Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI)
in cooperation with:

- Competence Center for Applied Security Technology (CAST)
- German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)
- European Association for Biometrics (EAB)
- Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC)
- TeleTrusT-Association
- Norwegian Biometrics Laboratory (NBL)
- Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt (CASED)
- Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD

The conference will be technically co-sponsored by IEEE and papers will be added to IEEE Xplore.

Nowadays, biometric applications are growing rapidly and have reached different areas such as health monitoring, national ID cards, e-banking, e-commerce, etc. The European Union Visa Information System (VIS) and the Indian UIDAI System are large-scale deployed systems that validate the capabilities of today’s biometric products. However deployed systems are still facing challenges towards better biometric performance, interoperability, system reliability and usability.
New modalities and innovative acquisition techniques such as efficient 3D-face reconstruction taken from a distance, multi-spectral fingerprint images, in vivo imaging are important to increase the versatility of biometrics and its area of use. Moreover biometric recognition is now used as access control schemes towards mobile phones with its embedded sensors such that many convenience applications can now be served. Both in security and convenience applications efficient fusion techniques for multimodality systems are necessary to improve performance and robustness. When biometrics is chosen to increase the security of an access control system then the security of the biometric system itself must be investigated. This includes fake resistance of sensors, biometric information protection and crypto-biometrics to enhance the privacy of data subjects and to protect biometric references. Moreover, security analysis and certification of security properties need to be developed. Beyond that critical issues such as the compliance to standards and the early assessment of sample quality with standardized metrics systems are important to guarantee successful use of biometrics in practice.
The BIOSIG 2012 conference addresses these issues and will present innovations and best practices that can be transferred into future applications.

We invite stakeholders and technical experts to submit original research papers. Industrial contributions presenting lessons learned from practical usage, case study, recent results of prototypes, are also welcomed. Submissions should be full papers (max. 12 pages) in English.
Authors should upload their submission to the EasyChair platform at:
and use the GI format for which templates are available at:
(LaTeX-template) and

Important Dates
2012-05-30 Deadline for electronic submissions (via EasyChair)
2012-06-30 Notification of authors via e-mail
2012-07-31 Deadline for final papers (ready for press)
2012-09-06 to 2012-09-07 Conference: Talks and Presentations

Topics of Interest
The topics of the workshop include but are not limited to:
- Biometric standards and interoperability
- multimodal and multi-biometrics
- security analysis of biometric components or systems
- on-card comparison
- fake resistance
- liveness detection
- aging of reference data
- template protection
- derivation of cryptographic keys from biometrics
- biometric middleware
- user interface design for biometric systems
- biometric performance measurement
- best practices
- emerging applications
- ethical, legal and socio-technological aspects
- biometrics for public administrations.

Christoph Busch, CAST e.V.

Arslan Brömme, GI-BIOSIG

Local Organizer: Christoph Busch

BIOSIG Webmaster: Victor-Philipp Busch
Tel. +49-40-94769389,

Program Committee
- H. Baier (HDA-CASED, DE)
- O. Bausinger (BSI, DE)
- B. Brecht (BDR, DE)
- A. Brömme (GI/BIOSIG, DE)
- P. Bours (GUC, NO)
- J. Bringer (Morpho, FR)
- C. Busch (CAST-Forum, DE)
- V.-P. Busch (Uni HH, DE)
- P. Campisi (Uni Roma, IT)
- H. Daum (G&D, DE)
- N. Delvaux (Morpho, FR)
- F. Deravi (UKE, UK)
- B. Dorizzi (IT, FR)
- M. Drahansky (BUT, CZ)
- J. Fierrez (UAM, ES)
- S. Fischer-Hübner (KAU, SE)
- P. Flynn (ND, US)
- L. Fritsch (NR, NO)
- R. Grimm (Uni Koblenz, DE)
- P. Grother (NIST, US)
- D. Hartung (GUC, NO)
- O. Henniger (Fraunhofer IGD, DE)
- D. Hühnlein (ecsec, DE)
- H. Ihmor (BSI, DE)
- C. Kaplan (softpro, DE)
- S. Katzenbeisser (TUD-CASED, DE)
- U. Korte (BSI, DE)
- B. Kowalski (BSI, DE)
- A. Kumar (Poly, HK)
- H. Leitold (a-sit, AT)
- S. Li (CBSR, CN)
- L. Lo Iacono (EUFH, DE)
- M. Lockie (PB, UK)
- U. Mahlmeister (L1, US)
- D. Maltoni (UDB, IT)
- T. Mansfield (NPL, UK)
- J. Merkle (secunet, DE)
- E. Mordini (CSSC, IT)
- A. Munde (BSI, DE)
- C. Nickel (HDA-CASED, DE)
- A. Nouak (Fraunhofer IGD, DE)
- M. Nuppeney (BSI, DE)
- H. Ogata (Hitachi, JP)
- J. Ortega-Garcia (UAM, ES)
- M. Peirce (Daon, IR)
- I. Pitas (AUT, GR)
- F. Podio (NIST, US)
- R. Posch (TUG, AT)
- N. Ratha (IBM, US)
- C. Rathgeb (HDA-CASED, DE)
- K. Rannenberg (Uni FFM, DE)
- M. Rejman-Greene (HO, UK)
- A. Ross (WVU, US)
- H. Roßnagel (Fraunhofer IAO, DE)
- R. Sanchez-Reillo (UC3M, ES)
- S. Schuckers (ClU, US)
- G. Schumacher (JRC, IT)
- T. Shinzaki (Fujitsu, JP)
- M. Snijder (EBG, NL)
- E. Tabassi (NIST, US)
- T. Tan (NLPR, CN)
- M. Tistarelli (UNISS, IT)
- C. Tilton (Daon, US)
- D. Tzovoras (CfRaT, GR)
- M. Ullmann (BSI, DE)
- M. v.d. Veen (GenKey, NL)
- R. Veldhuis (UTW, NL)
- B. Yang (GUC, NO)
- J. Wayman (SJSU, US)
- F. Willems (UE, NL)
- A. Wolf (BDR, DE)
- H. Xu (UTW, NL)
- X. Zhou (HDA-CASED, DE)

Related Resources

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