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PerCol 2015 : 6th IEEE Workshop on Pervasive Collaboration and Social Networking


When Mar 23, 2015 - Mar 23, 2015
Where St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Submission Deadline Nov 26, 2014
Notification Due Jan 8, 2014
Final Version Due Jan 22, 2015
Categories    pervasive computing   social computing   collaboration   mobile computing

Call For Papers

6th IEEE Workshop on Pervasive Collaboration and Social Networking
PerCol 2015

March 23, 2015
St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Paper deadline: November 26, 2014

in association with IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
PerCom 2015


Pervasive Collaboration is a crosscutting concern in many of today’s pervasive infrastructures and
systems. It happens in many different forms and technical layers of device‐ and network­‐mediated interaction, such as machine­‐to­‐machine (M2M) communication, interaction among smart home devices, wearable computing, inter­‐vehicle collaboration, as well as at the human layer in the form of participatory sensing, crowdsourcing, or content sharing through social networks.

Addressing the challenges of these manifold ways of collaboration requires interdisciplinary research
considering pervasive computing, context awareness, embedded systems, Internet of Things, and social
networks, leading to a research area called Pervasive Social Computing. Researchers broaden the view
on pervasive collaboration to include mobile sensor information, remote actuation/control, and mobile
sensor data management as well as new forms of interaction, e.g. with public displays, wearables or
among smart things.

The aim of the PerCol workshop is to bring together researchers from the areas of pervasive computing
and social computing to explore the possibilities and challenges of future Pervasive Social Computing
applications. While the primary focus is on pervasive technologies for human­‐to­‐human
interaction, we also welcome contributions about M2M interaction and coordination, opening a
perspective of new technologies and applications for Pervasive Social Computing among humans and
smart devices/things.


Topics of interest to the workshop include (but are not limited to):
- Interaction with public displays and smart items
- Multi­‐device collaboration involving wearable devices, smartphones, etc.
- Machine­‐to­‐machine and vehicle­‐to‐vehicle communication and coordination
- Real­‐life use case experiences
- Infrastructures for pervasive collaboration
- Frameworks, middleware and development methods for pervasive collaborative and social applications
- Energy efficient and mobile enabled protocols (device coupling, M2M, real-­‐time collaboration)
- Pervasive and social context
- The role of location and proximity for collaborative applications
- Mobile and pervasive social networking
- Pervasive presence and awareness
- Location‐based and pervasive games
- Pervasive content sharing and media distribution
- Novel means of pervasive collaboration
- Approaches and systems for crowdsourcing and participatory sensing
- Application and service interoperability issues


Submitted papers must be unpublished and not considered elsewhere for publication. Also, they must show a significant relevance to the workshop topics of pervasive collaboration and social networking. All papers should be in the IEEE format. Papers should be no more than 6 pages in length. All papers will be managed electronically through EDAS. Submitted papers will undergo a rigorous review process handled by the Technical Program Committee. Accepted papers will appear in the PerCom 2015 Workshops proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society Press.


Papers due by: November 26, 2014
Paper selections due by: January 8, 2015
Final papers due to IEEE: January 22, 2015


Daniel Schuster, TU Dresden, Germany
Thomas Springer, TU Dresden, Germany
Markus Endler, PUC Rio, Brazil


Dries Harnie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Elisa Gonzalez Boix, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Hyggo Oliveira de Almeida, UF Campina Grande, Brazil
Li Fei, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
Luca Foschini, Università di Bologna, Italy
Marco Mamei, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
Marek Kowalkiewicz, SAP Research, USA
Ralf Klamma, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Stephan Lukosch, TU Delft, Netherlands
Daniel Schuster, TU Dresden, Germany
Thomas Springer, TU Dresden, Germany
Markus Endler, PUC Rio, Brazil

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