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DBDBD 2014 : The Dutch-Belgian Database Day 2014


When Oct 17, 2014 - Oct 17, 2014
Where Antwerp, Belgium
Submission Deadline Sep 17, 2014
Categories    databases   data mining   information retrieval

Call For Papers

*Call for Abstracts: Extended Deadline September 17th, 2014*

Dutch Belgian Database Day 2014 (DBDBD 2014)
October 17th, 2014

Elzenveld Hotel & Seminarie, Antwerp, Belgium

The Dutch Belgian Database Day (DBDBD) is a yearly one-day workshop organized by a Belgian or Dutch university, whose general topic is database research. DBDBD invites submissions (1 page abstract) on a broad range of database and database-related topics, including but not limited to data storage and management, theoretical database issues, database performance, data mining, information retrieval, data semantics, querying, ontologies etc.

At the DBDBD, junior researchers from the Netherlands and Belgium can present their recent results, and meet senior researchers in the field of databases. It is an excellent opportunity to meet up with your Belgian/Dutch colleagues, and to get informed about the (recent) database-related research performed in Belgian/Dutch universities. The workshop is also open to non-Belgian/Dutch participants (presentations are in English). The workshop consists of oral presentations. There are no printed proceedings. Abstracts of talks will be published on the workshop's website.

This year, DBDBD is organized by ADReM, the Advanced Database Research and Modelling group of the University of Antwerp and under auspices of SIKS, the Dutch research school for information and knowledge systems. DBDBD 2014 will be held at the Elzenveld Hotel & Seminarie in Antwerp (Belgium), on Friday October 17th, 2014.


We welcome submissions on all topics related to database research, including but not limited to:

* Data storage and management, streaming data, peer-to-peer and cloud;
* Theoretical database issues, data models, semantics and languages;
* Database performance and scalability;
* Data integration, data quality, data cleaning, ontologies;
* Data mining, clustering, summarization, entity & event extraction;
* Data security, privacy and personalization;
* Information retrieval, data semantics, querying and ranking in databases.


The DBDBD has a tradition of favouring presentations by junior researchers. Proposals for presentations should be made before or on September 17th, 2014. Each submission should contain:

* the title of the talk;
* the name of the prospective speaker;
* his/her affiliation;
* a one-page abstract;
* reference(s) to papers covered by the proposed presentation (if pertinent).

The format is a one-page pdf-document, to be sent to:
dbdbd2014 (at)


The DBDBD 2014 is organized under auspices of SIKS, the Dutch research school for information and knowledge systems. Participation is free for all SIKS-members (Phd-students, research fellows, senior research fellows and associated members). Registration details will be posted on the workshop's website.


* Submission Deadline (1 page abstract): September 17th, 2014
* Notification and program online: September 20th, 2014
* Registration deadline: October 10th, 2014
* Dutch-Belgian Database Day: October 17th, 2014


* Bart Goethals
* Emmanuel Müller
* Floris Geerts
* Thomas Van Brussel

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