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PerCol 2010 : First International Workshop on Communication, Collaboration and Social Networking in Pervasive Computing Environments


When Mar 29, 2010 - Apr 2, 2010
Where Mannheim, Germany
Submission Deadline Nov 18, 2009
Notification Due Dec 21, 2009
Final Version Due Jan 29, 2010
Categories    pervasive   social-networks   communication   ubicomp

Call For Papers

Workshop Scope

The rapid rise of online social communities has created a new paradigm for personal networking. In a logical - and rapid progression - many social communities are now going mobile, using smart phones or other wireless devices instead of the PC. A 2006 report from ABI Research titled Mobile Social Communities says that social networking is going to have a major impact on mobile phones. The report says that the mobile social community numbers around 50 million users globally and that by 2011 the number will reach 174 million. In combination with further pervasive computing technologies mobile social networks will have a high impact on the way of communication and collaboration in Pervasive Computing environments. It will enable extended presence and awareness as well as flexible adaptation based on sensing infrastructures, new forms of interaction with computing devices influencing collaboration of humans, new forms of virtual togetherness based on technologies virtual environments and 3D web and Spontaneous interaction using Peer-to-peer and ad-hoc networking technologies.

The goal of the PerCol workshop is to present the most recent research achievements in systems design, experimental evaluations and practical experiences in the named field. It should provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss formal aspects, middleware platforms and services, protocols and mechanisms, applications and case studies in the context of communication, collaboration, and social networking in pervasive computing environments.
Topics of interest

Topics of interest to the workshop include (but are not limited to):
Theories, concepts, experiments and practical experiences
Platforms, frameworks and service environments
Location-, proximity and map-based mechanisms and applications
Mobile social networks and community-based technologies
Interest matching algorithms based on context, location, proximity, …
Context-awareness and adaptation
Group context and group adaptation for mobile collaboration
Enriched awareness and presence based on virtual environments, sensor infrastructures and 3D web
Aspects of privacy and security in pervasive collaboration and social networks
Live multimedia streaming and collaborative on-demand streaming
New types of real-time and non real-time collaboration
New forms of interactions with devices and sensor-controlled interactions
Adoption of federated device infrastructures
Collaborative sharing and editing mechanisms and protocols
Spontaneous interaction using Peer-to-peer and ad-hoc networking technologies
Dynamic service binding and deployment
Multi-platform development of mobile collaborative applications
Energy efficient and mobile enabled protocols
Resource management and scheduling for mobile devices
Support for mobile marketplaces

Related Resources

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