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INFOCOM 2011 : The 30th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications
Conference Series : International Conference on Computer Communications
When |
Apr 10, 2011 - Apr 15, 2011
Where |
Shanghai, China |
Abstract Registration Due |
Jul 23, 2010
Submission Deadline |
Jul 30, 2010
Notification Due |
Nov 21, 2010
Call For Papers
Topics of Interest: Original papers are invited on recent advances in computer communications and networking. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Ad hoc mobile networks
* Addressing and location management
* Broadband access technologies
* Capacity planning
* Cellular and broadband wireless nets
* Cognitive radio networking
* Congestion control
* Content-based network service
* Cross layer design and optimization
* Cyber‐physical systems and networks
* Data center and cloud networks
* Denial of service mitigation and prevention
* Delay/disruption tolerant networks
* Dynamic spectrum management
* Energy‐efficient networks
* Future Internet design
* Grid networks
* Implementation and experimental testbeds
* Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols
* Middleware support for networking
* Mobility models and mobile networks
* Multicast, broadcast and anycast
* Multimedia protocols and networking
* Network applications and services
* Network architectures
* Network coding
* Network control
* Network managemen
* Network measurement, simulation and emulation
* Online social networking
* Optical networks
* Peer‐to‐peer networks
* Power control and management
* Pricing and billing
* Quality of service
* Resource allocation and management
* RFID networks and protocols
* Routing protocols
* Scheduling and buffer management
* Security, trust and privacy
* Self-organizing networks
* Sensor networks and embedded systems
* Switches and switching
* Topology characterization and inference
* Traffic measurement and analysis
* Traffic engineering and control
* Vehicular, underground and underwater networks
* Virtual and overlay networks
* Web services and performance
* Wireless mesh networks and protocols