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Special Track at MTSR 2013 : Metadata and Semantics for Open Repositories, Research Information Systems and Data Infrastructures


When Nov 19, 2013 - Nov 22, 2013
Where Thessaloniki, Greece
Submission Deadline Jul 7, 2013
Notification Due Jul 31, 2013
Final Version Due Aug 20, 2013
Categories    open repositories   research information systems   data management   research infrastructures

Call For Papers

Special track on Metadata & Semantics for Open Repositories, Research Information Systems and Data Infrastructures at MTSR 2013

Part of the Seventh International Conference on Metadata and Semantic Research (MTSR'13)
Alexander Technological Educational Institute, November 19-22, 2013, Thessaloniki (Greece)

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The sharing and re-use of research information is becoming an increasingly important aspect of scientific activity. Text publications are – and will be at least for the near future – the predominant way of publishing research output and challenges still exist for their optimal recording and dissemination. Meanwhile, scientific communities recognise the immense significance of storing, discovering, processing, preserving and re-using data sets as well as other types of research objects like workflows and software. Furthermore, Public Sector Information, potentially valuable for research purposes, is provided openly by governments although not always in forms that enable re-use.

Metadata is a critical factor in this area, actually providing the means to promote black-box digital files to discoverable and re-usable objects. A key requirement is capturing and disseminating rich descriptions of research output in standard, semantically clear forms, including contextual and provenance information, such as relationships of publications and data sets with people, organisations, funding information, facilities and equipment. This metadata needs to be some extent independent of a particular research domain, to foster collaboration and re-use of data sets across disciplines and vertical communities, while still allowing the recording and utilisation of domain-specific information. A range of open issues have to be addressed towards these goals.

The aim of this Special Track is to serve as a forum for experts to present recent results and experiences, establish liaisons with other groups and reflect on the state-of-the-art of metadata and semantic aspectsof open repositories, research information systems and data infrastructures.

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Topics include but are not limited to the following:

- Metadata, knowledge representation and relevant standards in open access repositories, research information systems and research infrastructures
- Semantic interoperability and information integration in open access repositories, research information systems and research infrastructures
- Application of semantic web technologies in open access repositories, research information systems and research infrastructures
- Data infrastructures (e.g. scientific data, public sector information)
- Contextual and provenance metadata in open access repositories, research information systems and research infrastructures
- Metadata interoperability for data infrastructures across disciplines
- Metadata quality in open access repositories, research information systems and research infrastructures
- Mechanisms, tools and infrastructures for shared services in open access repositories, research information systems and research infrastructures
- Digital preservation workflows and mechanisms and impact on metadata
- Value-added services based on open access repositories, research information systems and research infrastructures


2013, June 20th: paper submission
2013, July 31th: acceptance/rejection notification
2013, August 20th: camera-ready papers due
2013, November 19-22: MTSR'13 in Thessaloniki.


- Thomas Baker, DC, USA
- Hugo Besemer, Wageningen UR Library, The Netherlands
- Gordon Dunshire, University of Strathclyde, UK
- Kris Jack, Mendeley, UK
- Keith Jeffery, Keith G Jeffery Consultants, UK
- Brigitte Joerg, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
- Rebecca Koskela, University of New Mexico, USA
- Daniela Luzi, Institute for Population and Social Policy Research - Italian National Research Council (IRPPS-CNR), Italy
- Paolo Manghi, Institute of Information Science and Technologies - Italian National Research Council (ISTI-CNR), Italy
- Natalia Manola, University of Athens, Greece
- Brian Matthews, Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK
- Jian Qin, Syracuse University, USA
- Joachim Schoepfel, University of Lille, France
- Edwin Shin, MediaShelf, USA
- Panagiotis Stathopoulos, National Documentation Centre, Greece
- Yannis Tzitzikas, University of Crete and ICS-FORTH, Greece
- Marcia Zeng, Kent State University, USA
- Daniel Vila, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain
- Zhong Wang, Sun-Yat-Sen University, China

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Interested authors can submit either full papers (12 pages) or short papers (6 pages) reporting on either mature or ongoing research. Papers should be original and not previously submitted to other venues. Submission will be available through the EasyChair submission system.

If you haven't an EasyChair account yet, you'll be asked to create it before you can access the MTSR'13 page.


The submissions to the Special Track will be reviewed by at least two members of the Program Committee.

Accepted papers will be published in the book of MTSR'12 proceedings by Springer (CCIS Series). The proceedings will be abstracted/indexed in: Scopus, EI-Compendex, DBLP, Google Scholar, Mathematical Reviews, SCImago. CCIS volumes are also submitted for the inclusion in ISI Proceedings.

Revised and extended versions of best papers will be published in selected international journals, including the International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies (Inderscience), and Program: Electronic library and information systems (Emerald) (list incomplete)

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* Imma Subirats, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Italy)
* Nikos Houssos, National Documentation Centre / National Hellenic Research Foundation (Greece)

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