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ICSC 2023 : The Third Intelligent Cybersecurity Conference


When Oct 23, 2023 - Oct 25, 2023
Where San Antonio, USA
Submission Deadline Sep 10, 2023
Notification Due Sep 20, 2023
Final Version Due Oct 2, 2023
Categories    cybersecurity   intelligent systems   trustworthy ai systems   systems and network forensics

Call For Papers

Call for Papers

In today’s world, connected systems, social networks, and mobile communications create a massive flow of data, which is prone to cyberattacks. This needs fast and accurate detection of cyber-attacks. Intelligent systems and Data analytics are important components when issues pertaining to effective security solutions become the subject of discussion. This is because there is an impending need for high volume and high velocity data from different sources to detect anomalies as soon as they are discovered. This will help reduce significantly the vulnerability of the systems as well as improve their resilience to cyber Attacks. The capability to process large volumes of information at real time through utilization of tools for data analytics has many advantages vital for analysis of cybersecurity systems. Moreover, the data collected from sophisticated intelligent systems, cloud systems, networks, sensors, computers, intrusion detection systems could be used to identify vital information. This information could be used to detect how vulnerable the systems are to risk factors, and so effective cyber security solutions can be developed. In addition to that, the utilization of data analytics tools in the cybersecurity field gives new insights through considering factors such as zero-day attack detection, real time analysis, resource constrained data processing among others.

The Intelligent Cybersecurity Conference (ICSC2023) addresses the use of advanced intelligent systems in providing cybersecurity solutions in many fields, and the challenges, approaches, and future directions. We invite the submission of original papers on all topics related to Intelligent Systems for Cybersecurity, with special interest in but not limited to:

Intelligent systems for effective detection of cyber-attacks
Advanced Intelligent systems and data analytics for Cloud/Edge systems security
Malware detection using intelligent systems Vulnerability assessment
Intelligent systems for intrusion detection in Internet of Things (IoT) systems
Network forensics using intelligent systems and data analytics
Data Analytics for privacy-by-design in smart health
Datasets, benchmarks, and open-source packages
Recourse efficient deep learning
Adversarial Machine learning and Backdoor Attacks
Blockchain Systems for Cyber Security
Trustworthy AI Systems
Intelligent Systems for Misinformation Detection

Submission Guidelines:
Submission System:

Paper format

Submitted papers (.pdf format) must use the A4 IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings. Please remember to add Keywords to your submission.

Submitted papers may be up to 8 pages with two additional pages may be added for references.

Papers submitted to ICSC must be the original work of the authors. The may not be simultaneously under review elsewhere. Publications that have been peer-reviewed and have appeared at other conferences or workshops may not be submitted to IDSTA. Authors should be aware that IEEE has a strict policy with regard to plagiarism The authors' prior work must be cited appropriately.

Please proofread your submission carefully. It is essential that the language use in the paper is clear and correct so that it is easily understandable. (Either US English or UK English spelling conventions are acceptable.)
IMPORTANT: No-Show Policy

At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register to the conference and present the paper. Only registered and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings. A paper not presented or presented by a non-author without prior written approval by the TPC Chair will be removed from the final conference proceedings and no registration refund can be made to the authors of these papers.

All papers that are accepted, registered, and presented in ICSC2023 and the workshops co-located with it will be submitted to IEEEXplore for publication.

Related Resources

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Intelligent Computing-Based Time Series 2025   Intelligent Computing: Special Issue: Intelligent Computing-Based Time Series Analysis for Cybersecurity
ESORICS 2025   European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (round 2)
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