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NAT-IoT 2015 : International Workshop on Networking Algorithms and Technologies for IoT


When Aug 17, 2015 - Aug 20, 2015
Where Belfort, France
Submission Deadline May 22, 2015
Notification Due Jun 10, 2015
Final Version Due Jul 1, 2015
Categories    IOT   cloud   networking algorithms   CPS

Call For Papers

The International Workshop on Networking Algorithms and Technologies for IoT (NAT-IoT 2015)
August 17-20, 2015, Belfort, France
In Cojuction with the 10th International Conference on Future Networks and Communications

The international workshop on networking algorithms and technologies for IoT (NAT-IoT) seeks to bring people from both industry and academia to present high quality papers on the networking aspects of the emerging concept of Internet of Things.

Topics of Interests:

Including but not limited to

*Lightweight protocols for IoT such as Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).
*Interworking of IoT with other technologies and systems such as Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and cloud computing.
*Naming and addressing for the IoT.
*Optimization and enhancement of the currently standardized IoT architectures.
*Applications of IoT: Smart Homes, smart cities, etc.
*IoT/M2M Management: Device management evolutions, Autonomous management, Conflict *management, service harmonization.
*Security, Trust, Privacy and Identity in the IoT.

Important Dates :
Paper Submission: May 01, 2015
Author's Notification: June 10, 2015
Camera-ready paper submission : July 01, 2015

Papers Submissions Guidelines:

The submitted paper must be formatted according to the guidelines of Procedia Computer Science, MS Word Template, Latex , Template Generic , Elsevier. Submitted technical papers must be no longer than 6 pages including all figures, tables and references. Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically using the online conference management system in PDF format before the deadline (see Important Dates).

The submission processes will be managed by If you have used this system before, you can use the same username and password. If this is your first time using EasyChair, you will need to register for an account by clicking "I have no EasyChair account" button. Upon completion of registration, you will get a notification email from the system and you are ready for submitting your paper. You can upload and re-upload the paper to the system by the submission due date.

All accepted papers will be scheduled for oral presentations and will be included in the conference proceedings published by Elsevier Science in the open-access Procedia Computer Science series on-line. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and attend the conference to present the work

Workshop co-Chairs:
Ala Al-Fuqaha, Western Michigan University, USA
Issa Khalil, Qatar Foundation, Qatar

Technical Program co-Chairs:
Abdallah Khreishah, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Moussa Ayyash, Chicago State University, USA
Yaser Jararweh, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan

Invited Speaker and Panel Chair:
Elhadj Benkhelifa, Staffordshire University, UK.

Publicity Chair
Haythem Bany Salameh, Yarmouk University, Jordan

TPC Committee

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