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IJCV-HCI 2011 : International Journal of Computer Vision Special Issue: Human Computer Interaction - Real-time vision aspects of natural user interfaces


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Nov 14, 2011
Notification Due Mar 12, 2012
Final Version Due May 5, 2012
Categories    computer vision   human computer interaction   gesture recognition   sensors

Call For Papers

International Journal of Computer Vision Special Issue:
Human Computer Interaction
Real-time vision aspects of natural user interfaces
Important dates:
Paper submission deadline: November 14, 2011
Final Manuscript: March 12, 2012
Estimated Online Publication: Summer 2012
Human motion analysis has been an active research topic in computer
vision in the last
period with a wide range of possible applications. Interacting with
electronic devices is the
application that receives lot of attention lately driven by the advent
of new gesture-based
gaming controllers such as Wii, Sony EyeToy/ Move, and Xbox Kinect.
Natural human
computer interaction is becoming a part of the mainstream games and consumer
electronics. Directly addressing this new trend, the objective of the
special issue is to gather
high-quality contributions describing leading-edge research in
human-computer interaction
with special attention for the practical issues of designing
real-world human-computer
interaction systems and with a focus on real-time vision aspects
pertinent to the developing
of new generation natural user interfaces.
Papers describing high-quality original research in various areas of
computer vision and
human-computer interaction are welcome. In the light of recent
introduction of natural user
interfaces as part of various consumer products, the intention is have
the special focus on
practical issues of designing human-computer interaction systems.
Therefore, considering
the following topics is particularly encouraged:

• vision algorithms robust to light, occlusions, view point, etc.
• increasing robustness by combining different sensors (e.g. multiple
cameras, depth, infrared, inertial, audio)
• evaluation and comparison of various algorithms and systems

Real-time implementation:
• efficient algorithms and implementation
• implementation on embedded platforms: field programmable gate arrays
(FPGAs), programmable digital signal processors (DSPs), graphics
processing units (GPUs), and various kinds of heterogeneous
multiprocessor devices, etc.
• performance analysis and comparison (e.g. latency, system power
consumption , wireless and other device communication issues)

Other practical issues:
• automatic adaptation to the user and environment (e.g. on-line learning,
auto calibration)
• design, performance analysis and comparison of human-computer
interaction systems (Wizard of Oz and real-system human-computer
interaction user studies)
• novel applications
• standardization

Guest Editors:
Zoran Zivkovic, NXP Semiconductors, The Netherlands
Nicu Sebe, University of Trento, Italy,
Hamid Aghajan, Stanford University, USA,
Branislav Kisacanin, Texas Instruments, USA

Related Resources

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