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OOP 2012 : The essence of modern software engineering


When Jan 23, 2012 - Jan 27, 2012
Where Munich, Germany
Submission Deadline Jul 1, 2011
Categories    software   business

Call For Papers

We would hereby like to invite you to submit proposals for presentation for the OOP 2012 conference to be held from January 23 to 27, 2012 in Munich, Germany. We are planning on five days of in-depth information on a variety of topics. On the first and the last day we'll have half-day and full-day (5 hour net) tutorials. Session slots of the conference will be 90, 60, or 45 minutes.

Your proposals should either be technical and developer oriented or targeted to project leader / decision makers; we expect a wide range of interests to be present at the conference and on the exhibition floor. The participants expect to gain an excellent overview of the state-of-the-art in modern software engineering. The focus is on cutting edge techniques that have also proven to be successful in practical use.

This year's conference motto is "Sustainability: Empowering the next generation". The OOP program strives for answering the following questions: what kinds of tools, architectures, and techniques support building sustaining systems that are beneficial to the next generation; which designs and languages will enable a sustaining quality in a product; and how do management techniques, social skills, and (agile) processes help or hinder in empowering people on the long run.

We're seeking for submissions on the following topics:

* Requirements Engineering
* Architecture
o Software Architecture
o Hardcore Software Architecture: Multicore / Parallelism, Security, High Availability, Scalability, Functional Approaches, Product Lines, Platforms
o Modern Web & Cloud Architecture
o Integration Architecture: Distributed Systems, SOA, Large Scale
* Technologies: Mobile, Embedded Development, DSL, MDD, OpenSource, Coding
* Testing & Quality
* Agility, Lean, SCRUM, Kanban
* IT Management: Project Management, Key Performance Indicators, Metrics, Measurement, Global Software Development, Innovative Business Models, Modernizing legacy systems, Measuring the ROI of improvements in software technology
* People & Soft Skills: Communication between different Roles and Responsibilities, Team dynamics, Intercultural issues, Collaborative development, Social Networks

In all of these areas, we welcome case studies especially describing experiences in practice from all application domains including, but not limited to transportation (aerospace, train, automobile,…), telecommunications, finance, insurance, industrial automation, mobile computing, government, as well as medical and life sciences.

In case you are interested in making a presentation that fits well to the above description, please submit your proposal(s) using the online form:

Submission deadline: July 1st, 2011

Instructions for submissions

Presentations can be in German or English. Please write your submission in the language you choose for your presentation. The submission should contain the following information:

* Type: session (90, 60, or 45 min), case study (45 min), tutorial (half day or full day)
* Title of presentation
* Abstract (max. 550 characters): Explain the general topic/problem, why should the delegates attend the session, highlight the technologies/concepts the session is going to cover. Provide as much detail as is needed for the delegates to be able to decide on participating in your session.
* Target Audience (e.g. developers, managers, …)
* Prerequisites required of attendees (e.g. basic knowledge in ..., familiarity with ..., … )
* Level: introductory, practicing, expert
* Short biography of the speaker (no more than 300 characters including technical background and past speaking experience)
* Contact information: your postal address, email and phone and fax number, in case we need to quickly clarify something

Acceptance Criteria

We will use the following criteria for evaluating the submissions:

* Practicability: The sessions should enable the participants to apply the learning in their daily work. Conceptual submissions are possible, but in order to be accepted they should be outstanding. Experience reports or extended case studies in regular presentation are good pre-conditions for acceptance.
* Presentation form: We prefer interactive sessions allowing the audience to get engaged and to actively participate.
* Speaker: The sessions should be presented in an interesting, vivid, and entertaining way. Speakers who can prove these skills have a higher chance for acceptance.

Notification of Acceptance

Please note that the decisions regarding which proposals will be included in the final program won't be made before the end of August. In some cases, we may contact you for additional information, e.g. further information or sample slides before making our final decision.

Thank you very much in advance for contributing to the success of OOP 2012 by submitting your presentation proposal. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us anytime. Please feel free to pass on this call for papers to your colleagues.

Best regards,

Technical Chair
Jutta Eckstein (

Speaker Coordinator
Wolfgang Reuter (

Track Chairs:

* Peter Zimmerer (Testing & Quality)
* Colin Hood (Requirements Engineering)
* Thorsten Janning (IT Management)
* Bernd Schiffer (Agile, Lean, Scrum, Kanban)
* Matthias Bohlen (People & Soft Skills)
* Michael Stal (Hardcore Software Architecture: Multicore / Parallelism, Security, High Availability, Scalability, Functional Approaches, Product Lines, Platforms)
* Stefan Tilkov (Modern Web & Cloud Architecture)
* Nicolai Josuttis (Integration Architecture: Distributed Systems, SOA, Large Scale)
* Peter Hruschka (Software Architecture)
* Gernot Starke (Software Architecture)
* Bernd Kolb (Technologies: Mobile, Embedded Development, DSL, MDD, OpenSource, Coding)

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