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Design and Nature 2012 : 6th International Conference on Relating Design in Nature with Science and Engineering


When Jun 11, 2012 - Jun 13, 2012
Where A Coruna, Spain
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    nature   ecology   design

Call For Papers

The Design and Nature conference is to be reconvened in 2012 following the success of previous meetings, the first of which was held in Udine, Italy in 2002; followed by Rhodes, Greece (2004); the New Forest, UK (2006); the Algarve (2008); and the last one in Pisa (2010).

Throughout history, many leading thinkers have been inspired by the parallels between nature and human design, in mathematics, engineering and other areas. Today, the huge increase in biological knowledge, developments in design engineering systems, together with the growth in computer power and developments in simulation modelling, have all made possible more comprehensive studies of nature.

Scientists and engineers now have at their disposal a vast array of relationships for materials, mechanisms and control. The resulting laws have been painstakingly assembled by observation and analysis and span the cosmic scale of space down to the molecular level of genetics. In particular, they have made us aware of the rich diversity of the natural world around us.

It is these developments which have prompted the reconvening of this international conference on Design and Nature. It is intended that the meeting will bring together researchers from around the world working on a variety of studies involving nature and their significance for modern scientific thought and design.

Conference topics include;

- Mechanics in nature
- Nature and architecture
- Natural materials and processes
- Solutions from nature
- Biomimetics
- Biomimetics and bio-inspiration
- Biocapacity
- Education in design and nature
- Emerging ideas
- Competition in nature
- Biological engineering
- Constructal theory
- Locomotion in nature
- Gravitational biology
- Self-sustaining environments

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