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Sustainable Irrigation 2012 : 4th International Conference on Sustainable Irrigation and Drainage: Management, Technologies and Policies


When Dec 11, 2012 - Dec 13, 2012
Where Adelaide, Australia
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    irrigation   water   sustainability

Call For Papers

The 2012 Sustainable Irrigation Conference provides a unique forum for multidisciplinary discussion. The objective of the meeting is to generate debate and ideas about how to make irrigation more environmentally, socially and economically sustainable.

The conference theme acknowledges that sustainability is not a fixed and clearly defined objective, rather it is a goal that is always changing as knowledge and biophysical realities alter. In that sense, moving towards sustainability is a journey with an ever evolving destination. Irrigation, as the biggest water user in most regions of the world, is facing significant challenges in balancing social, economic and environmental needs for water.

The purpose of the conference is to provide examples of how irrigation can become more sustainable. Papers are invited under the list of topics provided. Papers should focus on the implications of the findings for improving the sustainability of irrigation, whether this be drainage, irrigation techniques, economic modelling, governance structures for irrigation management, irrigation technology, reuse of water or many other aspects. The conference will include plenary sessions of specially invited papers from both developed and developing countries providing examples of how irrigation can become sustainable. Lessons will be drawn from the past, present and future.

Conference topics include;

- Irrigation management
- Irrigation modelling
- Irrigation systems and planning
- Economic incentives and instruments
- Groundwater resources and contamination
- Climate change effects
- Water trade
- Economics of irrigation
- Governance for sustainable irrigation
- International issues
- Drainage
- Water quality and remediation
- Water Re-use

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