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Carnivals and alpine folklore. ISTA 2011 : Meetings for the alpine traditions study


When Oct 8, 2011 - Oct 8, 2011
Where Breno, Italy
Submission Deadline Jul 31, 2011
Categories    anthropology   cultural studies   social sciences   humanities

Call For Papers


The meetings of I.S.T.A. (Meetings for the alpine traditions study) have the aim to stimulate dialogues on common themes among the alpine valleys with the intent to give visibility to local heritage and to contribute to the advancement of the research through the comparison among the different areas.

The 2011 topic is “Carnivals and alpine folklore” and the participants in the conference will describe particular folkloric manifestations, recurrences or carnivals which are widespread in specific places of the Alps through the analysis of costumes, masks, traditional music, rites….

The meeting is also open to scholars, researchers and those interested in the topic who want produce their own paper.

All those interested are invited to present an abstract which should summarize the content of the paper.
The abstract must not exceed 3000 characters (including spaces) and images could be also included only if they don’t exceed a single A4 sheet size.
Each paper should be focused on a specific alpine area with relation to the main topic of the conference. Any anthropological, ethnographical, archeological, linguistic, historical, musicological reference is wellappreciated.

Information for the abstract:

*Name and Surname
*Institution / Affiliation
*Title of the paper
*Abstract: max 3000 characters.

The proposals will be considered by the I.S.T.A. and the selected ones will be announced by the 15th august.
The selected authors will be contacted in order to elaborate a paper for the publication of the Conference Acts.

31th July 2011 on the email address:

English - Italian

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