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KDD 2013 : ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
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Conference Series : Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
When |
Aug 11, 2013 - Aug 14, 2013
Where |
Chicago, USA |
Abstract Registration Due |
Feb 15, 2013
Submission Deadline |
Feb 22, 2013
Notification Due |
May 3, 2013
Final Version Due |
Jun 7, 2013
Call For Papers
Welcome to KDD-2013: August 11-14, 2013 in Chicago, USA
It is a pleasure to welcome you to the 19th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) to be held in Chicago, USA during August 11-14, 2013.
The annual ACM SIGKDD conference is the premier conference on Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, Predictive Analytics, and techniques for the analysis of Big Data.
The conference is an international forum where researchers and practitioners from academia, business, industry, government and vendors converge to exchange the newest and most exciting ideas, research results, and experiences in the KDD area.
KDD-2013 will continue this tradition and its technical program will feature the research track, the industry/government applications track, the industry practice expo track, the KDD Cup competition, keynote presentations, oral paper presentations, poster sessions, workshops, tutorials, panels, exhibits, demonstrations, and much more.
A major theme this year will be the “applications of KDD to biology, health care, and medicine” and will be showcased in a special track.
The Research Track is recognized globally as the best for fundamental research contributions. The Industry/Government Applications Track has the highest quality applications papers selected through rigorous peer review. The Industry Practice Expo Track consists of Invited Talks by Industry luminaries focusing on experience gained and lessons learned in developing and deploying real world applications. The KDD Cup is a global competition to achieve novel and high performance solutions to key real-world problems through the applications of KDD techniques.
Chicago, in addition to being a world class city, has a large Community of KDD researchers, practitioners, and industries that is looking forward to your participation.
Please join us for KDD-2013 to gain new knowledge and to learn and exchange exciting new research results, leading practices, and high impact applications in knowledge discovery and data mining.
The web site for the conference is
We look forward to meeting with you in Chicago!
Ramasamy Uthurusamy and Robert L. Grossman
KDD-2013 Conference General Chairs