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When Dec 2, 2011 - Dec 3, 2011
Where Brasov
Submission Deadline Sep 30, 2011
Notification Due Nov 7, 2011
Final Version Due Oct 31, 2011
Categories    defense resources management   economics   social sciences   computer science and it

Call For Papers

Your paper topic/title proposal, as well as an abstract of no more than 120 words shall be submitted no latter than 30th September 2011, by fax: +40-268-401802, or to the following e-mail address: Until the 5th October 2011 you shall receive the confirmation of the title and abstract acceptance. The papers will be written in English and shall have the abstract in English.
The final papers shall be emailed as attachments (*.doc) at until the 31st October 2011. In this respect we would like to remind you the need to observe the academic standards for the papers submitted. Until the 7th November 2011 you shall receive the paper acceptance confirmation.
Also up to the 15th November 2011 the participants shall submit the proof of the conference fee payment, either by fax (number 0268-401802) or by email to the address above.
The volume with the papers submitted shall be in electronic format, with ISSN.
The paper presentation during the session will be in English. An even number of pages is recommended for each paper (no more than 8 pages).
The Conference fee, in amount of 125 lei shall be deposited in the account RO88BTRL00801201B09091XX opened at Banca Transilvania in the name of Mrs. MORARU ANCA (CNP 2710523080010). This fee includes the volume with the presented papers in electronic
format with ISSN, as well as the expenses related to the conference proceedings.
A participant may submit no more than two papers, as sole author or co-author. The authors undertake the entire responsibility for the content and format of the submitted papers. The software you use to write your article should be Windows and Microsoft Office XP.
The participants will be provided with: computer, overhead projector, video-projector, video player, smart board etc.
The venue of the Conference shall be the Regional Department of Defense Resources Management Studies, Braşov, Str. Mihai Viteazul Nr.160.
The accommodation shall be provided in DRESMARA hotel, against the amount of 74 lei / apartment in the limit of the places available and with the approval of the DRESMARA commander. For details, please contact us at one of the following e-mail address: or by phone at +0040268401860, contact persons: university assistant Brînduşa Popa or lecturer Maria Constantinescu, PhD.

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