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MSPC 2013 : ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Memory Systems Performance and Correctness


When Jun 20, 2013 - Jun 21, 2013
Where Seattle
Submission Deadline Mar 15, 2013
Notification Due Apr 20, 2013
Final Version Due May 1, 2013
Categories    software   architecture   program   memory

Call For Papers

ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Memory Systems Performance and Correctness

June, 2013
Co-located with PLDI 2013, Seattle, Washington

Paper deadline: March 15, 2013
Notification: April 20, 2013


Memory continues to be a major bottleneck in almost all computing systems.
It is becoming more so as more cores and agents are sharing parts of the
memory system and as applications that run on the cores are becoming
increasingly data intensive. Continuing the tradition of seven previous
successful incarnations, MSPC 2013 will provide a forum for publishing
and discussing all aspects of memory performance and correctness on
a variety of systems (multi-core, desktop, embedded, server/cloud,
high-performance computing, sensor, etc) and related software and
hardware innovations at various levels of the technology stack. We
invite new submissions that tackle issues in memory system
performance, efficiency, correctness, and dependability in
both hardware and software layers. Example areas of interest
include but are not limited to the following:

* Hardware, software, and hybrid techniques for better memory
performance, correctness, reliability, efficiency
* Memory hierarchy design for chip multiprocessors (CMPs)
* Emerging memory technologies (e.g., Phase Change Memory, MRAM)
* Characterization and analysis of memory systems performance
* Insightful experimental evaluation and analysis of memory-intensive
* Static and dynamic techniques for understanding and improving memory
performance and efficiency
* Managed memory and garbage collection optimizations
* Hardware and software techniques for ensuring memory safety and
detecting memory-related bugs
* Hardware and software memory models and their impact on
programmability and performance
* Memory system issues in accelerator-based computing (e.g., GPGPU)
* Memory system issues in embedded computers and tiny devices
* Prefetching, compression, latency tolerance techniques for memory
* Memory power and energy management techniques
* Memory reliability management techniques

Software, hardware, and hybrid approaches are encouraged. In addition, we
solicit papers from practitioners describing problems and experiences with
memory performance and correctness in specific application domains.

Submission Guidelines: We encourage the submission of not-fully-polished
but provocative short papers (6--8 pages; 8 pages maximum) or position
abstracts (1--2 pages; 2 pages maximum). Paper submissions should use
standard ACM SIGPLAN conference format (10pt). Copies of accepted papers
will be made available at the workshop and published in the ACM digital library.
Submitted papers must not be simultaneously under review for any other conference
or journal, and authors should point out any substantial overlap with their
previously published or currently submitted work.


General Chair

Gabriel Loh, AMD

Program Chair

Hyesoon Kim, Georgia Tech
Daniel Chavarria, Pacific Northwest National Lab

Program Committee
Philippe Clauss, INRIA
John Cavazos, University of Delaware
Daniel Chavarria, Pacific Northwest National Lab
Boris Grot, EPFL
Jeff Hammond, Argonne National Lab
Hillery Hunter, IBM
Hyesoon Kim, Georgia Tech
Minjang Kim, Qualcomm
Jaejin Lee, Seoul National University
Costin Iancu, Lawrence Berkely National Laboratory
Jim Larus, Microsoft Research
Lawrence Rauchwerger, Texas A&M
Wenjing Ma, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Mayur Naik, Georgia Tech
Satish Narayanasamy, University of Michigan
Vijay Reddi, UT-Austin
Xipeng Shen, William and Mary
Antonino Tumeo, Pacific Northwest National Lab
Jeffery Vetter, Oak Ridge National Lab & Georgia Tech
Uzi Vishkin, University Maryland

Steering Committee

Emery Berger, UMass Amherst
Brad Chen, Google
Trishul Chilimbi, Microsoft Research
Chen Ding, Rochester
Madan Musuvathi, Microsoft Research
Onur Mutlu, Carnegie Mellon University
Xipeng Shen, College of William & Mary
Jeffrey S. Vetter, Oak Ridge National Lab & Georgia Tech
Ben Zorn, Microsoft Research

Web and Submissions Chairs

Jaekyu Lee, Georgia Tech

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