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i-ETC IoT 2018 : i-ETC Special Issue - IoT: Internet of Things as a field revolution


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Jul 9, 2018
Notification Due Sep 30, 2018
Categories    IOT   smart cities   security   internet of things

Call For Papers

Call for Papers

The “i-ETC: ISEL Academic Journal of Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers” (ISSN: 2182-4010) is a peer reviewed online open access journal that does not charge any processing fee.
It is maintained by the Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering, at ISEL: Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa.

IoT: Internet of Things as Field Revolution

According to the massive amount of recent technological progress, the time for Internet of Things (IoT) to unleash its inner potential to transform industrial organizations is soon to come. Following the IoT rapid growth, and attempting to realize its full potential, large and small business organizations are required to operate changes in thinking and in culture. Business decisions can be tailored to the company vision, based on the information gathered from the IoT infrastructure and analysed in the organization data Integration and analytics platform. When completely and correctly implemented, the IoT enormous potential can reduce operational costs and improve quality, driving benefits to every industry, namely: manufacturing, transportation, energy, healthcare, retail, and Finance.
From the engineering point of view, IoT is based on two core components: an infrastructure of sensors and networks conveying data to a processing platform and a set of software tools for data analysis. In Big Data scenarios, these systems can be organized as a continuum from the devices to cloud-hosted data analysis platforms. A complete multidisciplinary approach includes the implementing of proper solutions for IoT architectures integration and communication networks, as well as data analytics and management, with a special attention to citizen privacy and security.
As a survey of the recent technological progress made in this exciting field, this i-ETC special issue aims to describe IoT as a field revolution, with the ability to improve the future citizens daily life. We will look forward to receiving technical manuscripts reporting the authors last finding on the following topics:

- IoT architectures: Fog Computing, Edge computing, Blockchain protocols;
- IoT communications: Wireless networks, sensor networks, Integrated Wireless/Optical networks, IoT-based mobile Internet, Delay tolerant networks;
- Smart City applications of IoT: Resource management, Applications to engaged citizens and visitors, Irrigation, Smart buildings & industries, Auto vehicle systems;
- Data analytics and management: Data collection, Data availability, Model generation, Artificial Intelligence Applications;
- Security: MAC layer security protocols, Cross‐domain trust management in smart networks, Secure authentication of devices.


All original manuscripts must be submitted electronically through i-ETC website,
Author guidelines and submission information can be found at


Alessandro Fantoni, ISEL-ADEETC, Lisbon, Portugal CTS-UNINOVA, Caparica, Portugal, Portugal
Artur Jorge Ferreira, ISEL-ADEETC, Lisbon, Portugal || IT, Lisbon, Portugal, Portugal

Section Editors
Nuno Datia, ISEL-ADEETC, Lisbon, Portugal; NOVA-Lincs, Caparica Portugal, Portugal
Paula Louro, ISEL-ADEETC, Lisbon, Portugal CTS-UNINOVA, Caparica, Portugal
Rui Jesus, ISEL-ADEETC, Lisbon, Portugal NOVA LINCS, Caparica, Portugal, Portugal
João Costa, ISEL-ADEETC, Lisbon, Portugal CTS-UNINOVA, Caparica, Portugal, Portugal
Pedro Pinho, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Portugal
Mário Véstias
Pedro Vieira, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal
Manuela Vieira, ISEL-ADEETC, Lisbon, Portugal CTS-UNINOVA, Caparica, Portugal
Matilde Pós-de-Mina Pato, ISEL - ADEETC, Lisbon, Portugal. IBEB - FCUL, Lisbon, Portugal, Portugal
José Simão, ISEL / ADEETC; INESC-ID / GSD, Portugal
Paulo Alexandre Marques, ISEL-ADEETC/IT
José Firmino Aguilar Madeira, ISEL-ADM

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