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ASEAS 2012 : ASEAS - Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies / Österreichische Zeitschrift für Südostasienwissenschaften


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Jun 30, 2012
Notification Due Jun 30, 2012
Final Version Due Jun 30, 2012
Categories    south east asian studies   social sciences   political ecology

Call For Papers

Call for Papers ASEAS 5(2) 2012
Focus: Environment

Issue 5(2) of the Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies will feature a focus on “Environment” in South-East Asia, aiming at bringing together established scholars as well as junior researchers working on this broad topic from different perspectives. The ASEAS editorial board is especially interested in submissions dealing with human-nature interactions and the analysis of how these are embedded in specific political, economic, social, and cultural contexts. This special issue will present results from a dynamic and emerging research field in South-East Asia.

If you intend to submit a paper, please do not hesitate to contact the ASEAS editorial board ( at any time, as this eases our planning process.

Of special interest are submissions dealing with one or several of the following issues:

- Green politics, sustainability, and environmental social movements
- Impacts of biodiversity loss, rising sea-levels, deforestation and other long and mid-term environmental changes
- Conflicts over natural resources, for example, access to and use of land, water, forest products, fossil energy etc. at local, national, and international levels
- Urban environmental issues, for example, air pollution, waste management etc.
- Consequences and impacts of natural disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods etc.
- Health-related impacts through genetically modified organisms (GMOs), epidemics, pesticides, pollution etc.
- Opportunities and limits of various forms of environmental governance, for example, REDD, RSPO, FSC, FLEGT etc.
- Indigenous knowledge, ethnobotany, and other non-Western concepts of dealing with the environment
- Tourism and its environmental impact through alternative planning and implementation (eco-tourism, agro-tourism)
- Cultural concepts of nature & environment or other cultural and (socio-)psychological norms and values affecting human-nature interactions

- As always, suggestions for interviews are welcome (for further details, please contact the board of editors)

Deadline for submissions: 30 June 2012

We also accept submissions

More information: /

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