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WISMEA 2012 : I Workshop on Intelligent Approaches to Sentiment Mining and Emotion Analysis


When Oct 21, 2012 - Oct 21, 2012
Where Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
Submission Deadline Jun 21, 2012
Notification Due Jul 28, 2012
Final Version Due Aug 11, 2012
Categories    opinion mining   sentiment analysis   artificial intelligence   applications of sentiment anal

Call For Papers

**** Extended Paper Submission Deadline : July 2, 2012.*******

Sentiment detection from texts has witnessed a booming interest in recent years. More than ever before, people are sharing their knowledge, experience and thoughts with entire world, through blogs, wikis, forum, chats and social networks. The automatic detection of sentiment (opinion) and emotions in texts is important for a variety of applications such as e-commerce, e-learning environments, or entertainment games. This workshop will provide a forum for discussion between researchers involved in processing and extracting of opinion mining, sentiment and emotions analysis, for many languages.
Researchers are encouraged to submit papers focused on techniques in fields from AI and natural language processing applied to extracting of opinions, sentiments and emotions. Besides methodologies and techniques for opinion mining, sentiment and emotions analysis, we also encourage the submission of papers that experiment with and describe applicative contexts in which analysis and detection of affective aspects are useful and beneficial. Transfer of data sets or other resources from one language to another or building resources for various languages is also of interest.

We would like to invite researchers to submit their original and unpublished work to the workshop. Demos of working or under development systems are encouraged.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- extraction opinion and sentiment analysis from the Web using AI techniques;
- AI techniques of opinion mining;
- novel approaches for sentiment and opinion mining ;
- machine learning applied to opinion mining, sentiment and emotions analysis;
- emotion analysis in sentences and documents;
- multi-lingual opinion mining and sentiment analysis;
- classification of texts by emotion and mood;
- emotion processing across different languages;
- the analysis of sentiment and opinion that contains emotional aspects;
- emotion analysis in automatic speech transcripts;
- applications in which affective aspects are beneficial;
- other aspects of the AI treatment of emotions and affect in Wed data;
- applications of sentiment analysis and opinion mining;
- sociolinguistic aspects of classification.

Authors are invited to submit full papers on original, unpublished work in the topic area of this workshop.
All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least two experts in the field.
The workshop proceedings will be published in a CD-ROM.
Papers should be written in English, with at most 12 pages, and submitted in PDF format, following the Springer LNCS style (see
The PDF files must be submitted electronically at:

The workshop will be held together with the SBIA 2012, which is the leading conference in Brazil for presentation of research and applications in Artificial Intelligence. The conference will be held in Curitiba, Paraná, 20-25 October 2012.

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