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NordiCHI 2012 : NORDICHI - Nordic Forum for Human-Computer Interaction Research


Conference Series : Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
When Oct 14, 2012 - Oct 17, 2012
Where Copenhagen, Denmark
Submission Deadline Apr 30, 2012
Notification Due Jun 30, 2012

Call For Papers

NordiCHI 2012 – Making sense through design

The 7th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction is the main forum in Northern Europe for human-computer interaction research. It is the meeting place for researchers, designers, practitioners, and educators from a broad range of traditions and communities. The conference will take place at the IT University of Copenhagen on the 14-17th of October 2012.

Over the years, Interaction Design has produced manifold contributions to the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) by elevating among other things the importance of user experience, design practices, creativity, and participation. By having design as part of the conference theme, NordiCHI 2012 wants to recognise the significant vitality of the design community in the Nordic region, including top-level education, world-class industrial and artistic design, and high cultural relevance. As new technologies continue to influence everyday perception of basic concepts such as time and space, sociocultural changes are taking place that demand HCI researchers to examine situations with an open mind. In the recent 18:4 issue of ACM Interactions, Liam Bannon illustrates "how HCI has moved from evaluation of interfaces through design of systems and into general sense-making of our world". NordiCHI 2012 embraces this explorative yet down-to-earth challenge of designing interactive systems for human practices that are still in the making.

NordiCHI 2012 accepts contributions in several categories. The technical program is the backbone of the conference, inviting original, high-quality long and short papers. Other submission categories include demos, posters and videos; design cases; and industrial experiences. All of these will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Proposals may also be submitted for tutorials, workshops, and the doctoral consortium.

Conference topics include but are not limited to:

- Adaptive and adaptable systems

- Affective computing

- Ambient intelligence

- Artistic and aesthetic aspects of interaction and interface design

- Design cases

- Design methods

- End-user development

- Evaluation methods

- Group and organisation interfaces

- Information visualisation

- Innovative interface design

- Interface agents and interface characters

- Interfaces supporting learning

- Models of interaction

- Multimodal interfaces

- New interaction techniques and devices

- Participatory design

- Studies of organisations, technology and work

- Theory and foundation of HCI

- Ubiquitous, pervasive, and mobile interaction

- Universal access and international interfaces

- Usability studies

- User-centred design

Submission deadlines:

30th of April 2012: Full papers & short papers
25th of May 2012: Workshop and tutorials
13th of July 2012: Posters, demos, and videos; design cases; industrial experiences
10th of August 2012: Doctoral consortium

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