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Book on UMADR 2012 : Book on User Modeling and Adaptation for Daily Routines To appear in Springer HCI Series | |||||||||||||||||
Link: http://hada.ii.uam.es/umadrbook/ | |||||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||||
Dear colleague,
We are pleased to announce and invite you to submit a chapter to the: book on: "User Modeling and Adaptation for Daily Routines" To appear in Springer HCI Series http://hada.ii.uam.es/umadrbook/ CALL FOR CHAPTERS IMPORTANT DATES =============== October 10, 2011: Proposal submission (abstract 1-2 pages + at least 3 own references). October 24, 2011: Chapter editorial first decision. December 23, 2011: First submission deadline (8,000-10,000 words). February 6, 2012: Chapter editorial second decision. March 30, 2012: Second version submission deadline. May 3, 2012: Chapter editorial third decision. June 1, 2012: Camera-ready chapter submission. MOTIVATION ========== During our life, we are involved in a huge variety of activities that we constantly repeat associated to diverse contexts. These activities can be related to domestic routines, working tasks, everyday urban-life, and so on. Each day there are a lot of decisions to be taken, both in regular situations (e.g., "what should I have for dinner tonight?", "which clothes will I wear today?") and in unexpected ones (e.g., "the underground is not working, how will I go home now?". Choosing the right options reverts on improving our self-esteem, quality of life, and social integration. However, while some people can take this type of decisions with an insignificant effort, this task may not be easy at all for others as not everybody has the same capabilities. For example, whilst traveling in public transport can be a trivial task for some users, it can be quite hard for others (i.e., elder people, or those with cognitive limitations or motor disabilities). The same happens with most daily routines such as the ones mentioned above. Computer systems can help to improve people's abilities (e.g., motor, sensory, memory, reasoning, communication, social, or emotional skills among others) when using them as assistances in daily life and when they are used as trainers. This book focuses on those that affect how people with special and specific needs manage on their everyday life. Some examples of expected and unexpected issues that people daily face are: * Indoor and outdoor navigation. * Information searching, reading and understanding. * Daily schedule and task prioritization. * Health and personal care. * Cleaning habits. * Eating habits. * Mathematics in daily life. * Tool and device manipulation. * Safety and security issues. * Working tasks. * Sustainable habits. * Living in society. GOALS ===== This book arises from the motivation on adaptive systems for people with disabilities. The aim is to bring light about how adaptive methods and techniques can be used to help users (either with some kind of disability or with specific needs) to accomplish daily tasks and to take decisions both in foreseen and unforeseen situations. The main goal is to be able to give them advice through different devices (PDAs, smart phones, laptops) according to the context in which they are at each time, also considering their capabilities, preferences and special/specific needs at that context. Modeling user's capabilities, limitations and needs (in the context described in this motivation) is another essential task as well. The book seeks to provide a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art practices on user modeling and adaptation for people with special needs as well as the challenges to be addressed in order to achieve their actual deployment. Thus, book topics include analysis, design, implementation and evaluation of adaptive systems to assist users with special / specific needs to take decisions and fulfill daily routine activities, with special emphasis on major trends in: modeling user features, limitations and special/specific needs; representing daily activities, including potential difficulties and decisions to be taken (both in regular and unexpected situations); designing and building adaptive assistants for daily routines; and evaluating the use of this type of assistants. TOPICS ====== We are willing to accept papers regarding the following themes (but not limited to): * User modeling: special/specific needs * Context-aware user modeling * Modeling routines * User behavior prediction * Design patterns for adaptive personal assistants * Recommender systems for daily activities * Methods and techniques for personal assistants * Novel applications based on user routines * Collaborative assistants for daily activities * Adaptive applications for urban services * Mobile and pervasive urban applications * Context-aware urban applications * Personalized persuasive systems * Daily assistants for all * Usability and accessibility issues * Personalized and adaptive interfaces * Privacy and security issues in ubiquitous applications * Evaluation of adaptive mobile assistants * Case studies and experiences SUBMISSION PROCEDURE ==================== Researcher and practitioners are invited to submit a chapter proposal on or before *October 10, 2011*. This proposal should include a 1-2 page abstract clearly explaining the interest of the chapter and the motivation for submitting. It should be accompanied by brief biographies (50 to 100 words) of each author including, at least, three own relevant references about papers related to the topics of the book. Proposals are to be submitted via Easychair (http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=umadrspringer2012). Authors will be notified no later than *October 24, 2011* whether the proposal is considered appropriate for this book. Those whose proposals have been accepted will receive guidelines for preparing their full chapters. The expected length of the submitted manuscript must be between 8,000 to 10,000 words including tables, figures, appendices and full list of references. The first version of the chapters will need to be submitted by *December 23, 2011*. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Contributors may be asked to peer review another chapter. The results of this review process will be made available to authors on or before *February 6, 2012*. The editorial decision will extend on the following: (i) chapter accepted with minor changes; (ii) chapter accepted with mayor changes, and (iii) chapter rejected due to inadequate quality. (i) and (ii) cases will then have until *March 30, 2012* to update the manuscript by incorporating the main concerns identified by reviewers, and to work with the editors and other chapter authors to develop common themes and synergies, in addition to implementing cross referencing of one another's chapters as appropriate. Chapters include in the (ii) case will be re-evaluated and a final decision will be sent to the authors on or before *May 3, 2012*. All accepted chapters may also received minor editor suggestions. Finally, authors of accepted chapters must submit the camera-ready chapter version and other related materials before or on *June 1, 2012*. TARGET AUDIENCE =============== The target audience of this book will be the following: * Technological and/or social researchers interested in user modeling and adaptation for people with special needs. * Practitioners interested in applying adaptation strategies for supporting people with special needs in their daily lives. * HCI-oriented PhD Students working on the area of user modeling and adaptation for people with special needs. PUBLISHER ========= This book is scheduled to be published by Springer as part of the Human-Computer Interaction Series. HCI series present work which advances the science and technology of developing systems which are both effective and satisfying for people in a wide variety of contexts. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit http://www.springer.com/series/6033. This publication is anticipated to be released in late 2012. GUEST EDITORS ============= Dra. Estefanía Martín - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain Dr. Pablo A. Haya - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain Dra. Rosa M. Carro - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain CONTACT ======= Inquiries can be forwarded electronically: Estefanía Martín, LITE Research Group, URJC, Spain E-mail: estefania.martin@urjc.es |