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ERE 2012 : The Sixth Prize on Economic Research of Ensayos Revista de Economía


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Dec 2, 2011
Final Version Due Dec 2, 2011
Categories    economics   finance

Call For Papers


Department of Economics
Call for papers to

1. Papers related to economics, finance, statistics and social sciences can be
2. Articles can be written by one or more authors without concerning nationality.
Authors cannot submit more than one paper to the prize.
3. Papers must show a clear indication of the purpose of the research, methodology,
major results, implications and key references.
4. The author must submit the paper to or
5. The author must send a signed letter specifying that the paper is unpublished,
original and that it is not under consideration in another journal for publication.
6. The author or authors must send a CV and fill the entry form available in the
website of Ensayos Revista de Economía:
7. References must be alphabetically listed at the end of the paper following APA
reference format for journals, books, book chapters, working papers, dissertations
among other informative sources.
8. Papers must be finished.
9. The deadline is December 2nd, 2011.
Language: English or Spanish
Maximum Length: 45 pages (including tables, figures and appendix)
Platform: Word or compatible format. Tables, figures and appendix must be
sent in Excel format. (not jpg).
Font: 12 pt Times New Roman
Spacing: One and a half
Abstract: It must be written in Spanish and English, and limited to 100
Title/cover page: The submission must have two title pages. The first title page
must include title and the following information about each
author: name, affiliation, contact address, office and home phone
numbers, email address, and a fax number, if available. For
papers with multiple authors, please mention the primary address
for future correspondence. The second title page must have only
the title of the article, in both Spanish and English.

1. The eight best papers will be published in one of the issues of Ensayos
Revista de Economía 2012 and 2013.
2. The best paper will be awarded with 25,000 Mexican pesos and a diploma. The
other seven papers will be awarded with 5,000 Mexican pesos and a diploma each.

Contact information

Economic Research Center, UANL
Avenida Lázaro Cárdenas 4600 Ote.
Fracc. Residencial Las Torres
Monterrey, N.L. C.P. 64930
Tel. +52 (81) 83294150 Ext. 2470 y 2450
Fax. +52 (81) 83422897
Contact: Dr. Cinthya G. Caamal Olvera,

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