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PhyCS 2017 : 4th International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems


When Jul 28, 2017 - Jul 29, 2017
Where Madrid, Spain
Submission Deadline Mar 9, 2017
Notification Due May 3, 2017
Final Version Due May 17, 2017
Categories    physiological computing

Call For Papers

Physiological data in its different dimensions, either bioelectrical, biomechanical, biochemical or biophysical, and collected through specialized biomedical devices, video and image capture or other sources, is opening new boundaries in the field of human-computer interaction into what can be defined as Physiological Computing. PhyCS is the annual meeting of the physiological interaction and computing community, and serves as the main international forum for engineers, computer scientists and health professionals, interested in outstanding research and development that bridges the gap between physiological data handling and human-computer interaction.

PhyCS brings together people interested in creating novel interaction devices, adaptable interfaces, algorithms and tools, through the study, planning, and design of interfaces between people and computers that are supported by multimodal biosignals. We seek contributions that relate synergetic disciplines such as biomedical engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, affective computing, accessibility, usability, computer graphics, arts, etc.

Researchers attending PhyCS seek to extend the state-of-the-art by harnessing the power of physiological data to refine the symbiosis between humans and computers in such way that the resulting interactive experiences lead to richer and improved outcomes. This may involve the design of new wearable devices that make physiological data acquisition more pervasive, the design of user interfaces capable of recognizing and adapting to changes in the physiological state of the user, and / or the creation of algorithms to enable robust and seamless control of computational resources using physiological data sources as input.

We call for original submissions that describe novel technologies and applications in this field, and greatly encourage authors to complement their oral and poster communications with demonstrations showing novel physiological computing and interaction concepts or systems.
Each of these topic areas is expanded below but the sub-topics list is not exhaustive. Papers may address one or more of the listed sub-topics, although authors should not feel limited by them. Unlisted but related sub-topics are also acceptable, provided they fit in one of the following main topic areas:


Biomedical Devices for Computer Interaction
Haptic Devices
Brain-computer Interfaces
Health Monitoring Devices
Physiology-driven Robotics
Wearable Sensors and Systems
Cybernetics and User Interface Technologies
Robotic Interfaces Mediated by Biosignals


Biosignal Acquisition, Analysis and Processing
Pattern Recognition
Neural Networks
Processing of Multimodal Input
Observation, Modeling and Prediction of User Behavior
Computer Graphics and Visualization of Physiological Data
Video and Image Analysis for Physiological Computing
Motion and Tracking
Semantic Technologies and Cognition
Simulation of Physiological Processes


User Experience
Adaptive Interfaces
Human Factors in Physiological Computing
Learning and Adaptive Control of Action Patterns
Speech and Voice Data Processing
Understanding Expressivity from Physiological Data
Guidelines for the Design of Physiological Interfaces


Physiology-driven Computer Interaction
Biofeedback Technologies
Affective Computing
Pervasive Technologies
Augmentative Communication
Assistive Technologies
Interactive Physiological Systems
Physiological Computing in Mobile Devices
Characterisation of Psychophysiological Constructs

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